I am not a great cook. I have no natural ability, plus I find it very dangerous.
For a person who loves eat, this can pose a dilemma. Family and friends know that my contribution to dinner will most likely be a salad or a bottle of wine. Safe and simple-except for the one time I dropped and broke a bottle of wine on my big toe. In addition, everyone will testify that I practically need a safety helmet to butter toast-a truth that has been proved over and over.
Family lore recalls me having baked a turkey into turkey jerky by cutting off the breasts because they seemed fatty. Those were some amazing, brown turkey bones, and very low-fat! And aren't the sweet potatoes the stars of the show anyway?
Once, when splitting a chicken breast in half, I managed to split my palm in half. 5 stitches later, my hand bears the scar and everyone still winces whenever I grab a knife. Recently I left a pan in a pre-heated oven and thoughtlessly grabbed the pan with my bare hand. July 4, found me sporting a white, raised 'Calphalon' branding, again on my palm. Clutching an icy cocktail seemed to alleviate the sting.
The same friends witnessed me twice! burning to tar, a brie and croissant dish, that I knew was already stretching my culinary limits. The wail of the smoke detector alerted us before I burnt down Kristin's cottage!
I once dropped a flaming marshmallow on the top of my foot. proving that even cooking over a bonfire has it's perils! I now prefer to just unwrap the graham crackers and Hershey bars and wangle someone else to take the risk.
And last week, while popping popcorn-the one dish I have truly mastered-a hot, errant half popped kernel flew out and dropped down my top. In my distress, I tipped over some hot butter and-you guessed it-burnt my wrist. I finally dumped the damn thing out but not before incurring a third degree burn between my chi chi's. OUCH!
So all of you Cooking Channel and recipe aficionados, have at it. I've got one life to life and I prefer to do it while perusing a nice menu.
And an icy cocktail-just in case! XO
8 months ago
That is perfect, Jodi ~ !!! The dangerous chef, indeed ~ ~ Turkey jerky sounds pretty good, eh?
Erik, the sweet potatoes WERE the stars. That and a good bottle of white! XO
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