Got minute? Come sit a spell and discover some riveting facts about me that you may or may not have known, cared or may not have cared. But now that I've got your attention, I'll get straight to the juice!
1. Do you like blue cheese? No, cheese is supposed to be yellow or white.
2. Coke or Pepsi? Never drink soda
3. Do you own a gun? What for?
4. What flavor KoolAid? Ummmm, I'm not 4 years old!
5. What do you think of hot dogs? Try not to dwell on them.
6. What's your favorite show? Mostly watch movies or read.
7. What's your favorite movie? Breakfast at Tiffany's
8. What do you drink in the morning? COFFEE!
9. Can you do a push-up? Sure can!
10. What's your favorite jewelry? I love it all!
11. What is your favorite hobby? Reading, of course!
12. Do you have ADD? No, I'm an undiagnosed air head...
13. Do you wear glasses? Contacts and sunnies
14. Name 3 things you did today. Zumba, napped, cooked dinner.
15. What was your favorite cartoon? Didn't care about them.
16 Name 3 drinks you drink. Coffee, Vodka and Wine-not necessarily in that order.
17. Current worries? Just the usuals...
18. Current hates? No time for that....
19. Favorite place to be? Anywhere with family and friends.
20. How did you ring in the New Year? Partying with our BFF's-Kristin and Mr.Bobby
21. Where would you like to go? Paris, Bali, Norway, Greece-many dreams!
22. Name 5 people who will do this with you. Probably none...
23. Do you wear slippers? yep.
24. Do you have any kids? I have an angel child-Dane xo
25. If you could be with anyone right now? DANE xxoo
26. Can you whistle? Not at all
27. Where are you now? In my office
28. Would you be a pirate? I'm really more of a mermaid!
29. Favorite food? Anything baked!
30. Favorite music? All over the map on this one-anything but opera.
31. What's in your pocket? Burt's Bee lip balm
32. Last thing that made you laugh? A cat video
33. Do you wear proper pajamas? Not to bed..
34. What's your favorite animal? I love all animals but am a bona fide Crazy Cat Lady.
35. What's your most recent injury. Dropped a barstool on my toe and now the nail is black-so cute!
36. How many T.V.'s in your house? 4
37. Worst pain? My frozen shoulder
38. Do you like to dance? I'll take it down right now. Yes!
39. Are your parents still together. Yes
40. Do you enjoy camping? You mean 'Glamping?' A bit.
So, here it is-everything? you ever wanted to know but were afraid (or most likely didn't care) to ask. If you have any other pressing questions, I'll be sitting here waiting. I'm an open book!
Have a wonderful week my darlings! XO
8 months ago
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