Whoo Hoo-I'm back and feeling all refreshed and rested! Vacation was filled with sun, sea, laughter and more good food than should be allowed. And wine-yes there was wine....Sun and sand is sooo necessary for my soul and I feel strong and very blessed to have this time with family and friends. I have hit the ground running with goals for my yard as well as my house. It's a good feeling and I have Lisa and Steve to thank. XO
Are you superstitious? I am-a little. When I see an ambulance, I always do the sign of the cross and say a little prayer in hopes that my good wishes will be heard and make a difference. If I see a cardinal, I always think it is a sign that someone from heaven is thinking of me and maybe paying me a visit. I love it and feel very blessed. When I spot a penny, I will ALWAYS pick it up, hold it to the heavens, and thank the Lord above for sending me this 'sign.' I know you may think it's silly, but these little things bring me great comfort-and I love having these perks in my everyday life.
So today, after Zumba class, I spotted this fiver while unlocking Berry Manilow. By chance, I glanced down and saw my little piece of good fortune, nestled in the beautiful fall leaves. I muse that if pennies are from someone in heaven than a 5spot must be from the whole gang! How amazing!
As I pulled thru the Tim Horton's drive thru ordering my usual egg white spinach bites and coffee, I pulled out the found fiver and (almost!) paid for the order. I felt like my breakfast was a treat from my personal angels. It gave me a smile and again-a smile and a little prayer. Sigh.....
How cool is that?
Happy Monday and may you all be blessed from angels above. XOXO
8 months ago
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