Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 The renewed old adage 'hindsight is 20/20' is being tossed around with a more appropriate and deeper meaning than ever.  Seeing 2020 in the rearview mirror will be a great vision on the road to 2021, where certainly life will not present such crazy challenges-good and bad.

So what have I learned?  

Obviously, life is precious and can take an unexpected turn at any moment.  A perfectly healthy guy can be felled and fight for his life in a blink.  But, you readjust your vision and make it all work. (P.S.  Randy is home and working on his rehab!) xo

I can cook.  Everyday.  It's no secret that Randy and I are professional 'diners' and love our culinary experiences.  Slaving over a hot stove is not really my gig, but I'm getting used to it.  The soup and other goodies from and friends and neighbors are much appreciated and gives Randy a taste for the 'good stuff!'

Without the distraction of social events, life actually seems less stressful.  As an admitted 'commitment phobe'  this bodes well for me with the exception of family and a few close friends.  I love to be home-and would not mind if I could just go out to eat, and see friends, and comfortably shop....and then go home!  tee hee...

That I am actually even lazier than I first thought.  I have all day to accomplish tasks and STILL have a hard time gettin' 'er done.  Sheesh!  No urgency=no big effort.  I do better on a fixed routine and all this time available boggles me.  Oh, well.. I'll get around to the 'stuff....sometime..maybe...

I refuse to accept that this life style is 'our new normal.'  No freakin' way!  I am looking forward to 2021, where I can life spontaneously,  DINE out like the indulgent chub that I am, get stressed by overcommitting to things, and actually get shit done!  

Look out 2021-I'm comin' for ya!  XO

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