Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Safety Dance...

 I watched him walk out of the gas station.  He was minimally fifty pounds overweight and carrying a two liter of  Mt. Dew in one hand and a case of cigarettes in the other.  However; his mask was securely in place so he was being 'safe.'  Who's going to protect him from diabetes, heart disease and cancer?  Please.  Can you explain the logic in that thinking?  And you wonder why our health insurance costs so much.  

And why in the interest of keeping us 'safe' are people allowed to smoke three feet away from the door at Target and some restaurants?  I gag on the secondhand smoke as I approach the door while biting my tongue.  I guess my 'safety' doesn't matter on that account.  And we don't have to even talk about the litter on the ground and in the flower pots.  Buttheads!

Meanwhile, the lunch line at McDonalds circles the golden arches peddling the food with the highest fat and sodium content known to man.  And there are ten varieties of  'energy drinks'-you know, the ones that are banned in Europe-available at any store.  Who's going to keep those people 'safe' as they increase their odds of obesity and high blood pressure?

 And how about the house on my street that had up the most gorgeous Christmas light display the very day after Thanksgiving?  Well, now those lights are down and the lighted pink hearts are up in anticipation of Valentines Day.  Wow.  People like that both amuse me and and amaze me.   I am continuously impressed with their ambition and love seeing the creativity.  I just hope somebody was holding the ladder steady while the decoration went up on that third story!   'Safe'ty first!

So dear friends, now that you have endured my first rant of the new year, can I just say that I'm ready for a new buzzword?  How about 'use common sense!'

Happy New Year!   Much luv, xo

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