Driving home today from an appointment in Detroit at 5:00 p.m., on 94 with the snottiest conditions ever, once again forces me to reckon with the fact, once again, that I INSIST on driving a Mustang during winter in Michigan. I know, rear wheel drive, wide slick tires and a uselessly big engine--not to mention a top more suited to down than up, is a MOST ludicrous decision. Not to mention life threatening, with all the fishtailing and such. BUT. In the days ending with 70 degrees plus, its a whole 'nother story. The car in question--a.k.a. Black Betty, is one fine ride! With gleaming black paint, the top down and those hot, racy wheels it is its own piece of heaven. Sometimes even giving bored, myopic truckers a vague reason to blow that air horn thing. I can easily merge onto freeways with acceleration that just means POWER! And safety!! With the wind in my hair and some designer shades, (okay-so they are knock offs) I can't drive 55! Just ask the not so understanding St. Clair Shores cop who recently, and heartlessly collected a cool $225.00 from a slight speed limit misunderstanding. Some people have no sense of adventure or romance in their souls. Its one of the few ways I know that an old Michigan broad can feel like a young, California chickie. And I had 8 whole miles going 25mph. to dream of it!! Great idea #364. How about if Ford Motor Co. could lease me Black Betty for 6 months of the year and then swap her out for, say a Black Bart, a big ass Expie for the other 6? Do I have to think of EVERYTHING! Bam a lam. xoxo
8 months ago
Driving was crazzzy!!!Hour and half later and shot nerves. Wow. We do love driving Black Betty It isn't winter forever.!!!
Put a lift kit on ole betty... maybe 10-14inches or so!! Throw on some 17" BF Goodies and dahr u have it! All you'll need is a plow now, Yah hear?
You know 10-14-17 inches r for your car.... gurl! Stop tanking doe's nasty thoughts!!
Your REdNacK-ed Freeend
BenJammin - you ole redneck you...you had me going about the 10-14-17 inches as I know you had Jodi goin too!
I hope those the days ending with 70 degrees plus are not far off. A happy Mustang driving image to keep us going through the winter shlock ;)
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