Years ago I found myself single, with an infant son, back home at Mom and Dad's. A situation that I thought would NEVER apply to my life. But, hey, you get no guarantees. Actually single with an infant son was easier than the married option, and Mom and Dad helped me get back on my feet in every possible way. I couldn't have done it without their love and support. xo! So, anyways, I was working in a gym instructing aerobics, (the killer, high impact kind) and weight training 12 hours a day. Yes, I rocked the de rigeuer leotard, tights, legwarmers and high top Reebok's popular at the time. Sorta like Olivia Newton John in Physical, crossed with Madonna. Ewww, but cool enough then. Seems all I did at the time was work and stay home with my baby. A full life to be sure, but I found myself wondering where the "glamour" was. It was completely eluding me. Even just a touch of what the new MTV then assured me was what I needed. Remember Sheila E? I wanted to be her then and I still do. Exotic and worldly was so not me, in sweaty leotards, stuck in a small and definitely NOT glamorous small town. After lamenting my plight to a friend, my world was about to be infused with a touch of elegance. One cold, January day, after instructing my third class of the day, Therese picked me up for a lunch date. Her daddy's chocolate brown Mercedes was shiny clean with the sunroof open. She strode into the gym and ripped the ponytail holder out of my hair and the sweatband off of my forehead. After fluffing up my 'do she slipped on a full length fur only moments ago purchased at the local Sal Val. The Reebok's were replaced with a pair of HIGH heels, and a pair of Ray Bans were shoved on my astonished eyes. The crowd in for their workout applauded the make over. Now, with this decidedly hookerish look we headed out to the Merce-Cruiser. Fur met plush, brown leather. Ah h h h. She then handed me sparkling grape juice in a real champagne glass. There was my favorite lunch choice, M&M's, in a bowl on the console. She had the tape set for--you can guess--Sheila E's hit "Glamorous Life", with "Material Girl" on backup. During my chauffeured ride around Alpena, viewing it's sunny, snowy, winter beauty, I finally felt glamorous. Therese said, "There, girl, it's all you. You are so VERY glamorous!" So, for the next 55 minutes, I was treated to the star treatment, and felt every inch the star with all of my favorite things (except the baby) within grabbing distance. And damn, I looked good. It was the exact thing a tired, sweaty, baby momma needed to get thru. All these years later, I still smile at the memory, and the friend who not only understood, but took the time and made the effort to add sparkle to my life. Don't know special that is to me. Thanks, girl, you are simply the best. Oh, and Mom and Dad for your constantly being there for us. I am truly blessed. And glamorous. xo
oh thank you for taking me down your memory lane! The imagery was glamorous =0)
What a wonderful memory. Friends seem to know what we need. You wear those furs so well. You can doll it up with the best of them!!
Bottoms Up, Material girl! The killer high impact kind! }:)
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