LET'S GO RED WINGS!! Can you even stand it? After having our hearts broken by our Pistons, The Wings have came thru again. They simply, coolly and calmly, get 'er done. Our team has so much heart and ethics that they are the perfect representative of our blue collar gritty city. Detroit love abounds today. We are national news FINALLY for a good thing. Any other day we are the most crime ridden, fat, non-graduating, out of work, murder capital, etc. etc. But today, we even got kudos from Regis. I remember 2 championships ago, we were attending a family wedding when at game time, a big screen telly was wheeled out and shots were slammed around. When they won the final series that night, it was met with as much hoopla as the original reason we were there. Of course!! It's Red Wing hockey!! In 2002, I was at the game and had such goods seats, that my face is in the official team picture. I will never forget the moment, with Scotty skating out on the ice, and the "D" party that then ensued. Last night, watching the game at home with friends, I never got that nervous. My girlfriend and I drank wine and caught up only occasionally glancing at the game in progress. I just KNEW that they would do it. Growing up in northern Michigan gave me quite an early appreciation of the game. We all ice skated about as soon as we could walk and even had a rink in our back yard. My uncle Dan would water that thing till it was smooth as--well ice. We had floodlights positioned around and would play and skate till well after dark. Gotta mention that one year our septic field froze, thus forcing us to the public rink. In high school, we had a class A championship team. The Alpena Wildcats rocked! And like Detroit, we gave all love and support. I spent about a million hours freezing my cookies off over at that unheated rink. Didn't help that I dated 3 or so different hockey players. Always attracted to the jock type, I loyally did my part. Inspiring from the sidelines was the least I could do--tragic and loyal and FREEZING!!! So okay , 'nuff of sports involving ice. It's finally summer, the Wings have delivered Lord Stanley and the only ice I am participating in is the chunks in my cocktails. I must say, it will be nice to have a night off from watching sports, or even just one as sometimes all 3 teams were playing. Tonight debuts the new series, "Swingtown" which promises a flashback of July 1976! I loved everything about that time and have the DVR set to record the whole series for a serious stroll down memory lane. Maybe it will fill in some of those events I seemed to have somehow forgotten. But, I digress. Congrats Detroit Red Wings!!! xo
8 months ago
Great photo!
Let's Go Red Wings! Stomp-Stomp-Stomp,Stomp,Stomp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ossi had that Yoga focus!
p.s. Great Blog Jod! I'm proud of ya!
That must have been cool, GOOD enough seats to have your FACE on the official picture. ON MY friends! The JOCKs are waiting for their parade.
We love stanley!! Congrats Red Wings. Enjoy your parade. Detroit will shine today!!
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