Sunday, June 29, 2008
The glamorous life........
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Hot child in the city......
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Songs in the key of life.....
In an effort to to write a more interactive blog, I am digging deep, to ask the important questions --meaningful and thought provoking--that will compel you to post comments for me to learn more about you. So, when recently considering what my favorite song is, I thought it would be good fodder to consider my choices and for you to think of yours. My ipod has such variety that I'm not too sure how to narrow it down. Based on what? And are there any category limitations? No, just top 5 songs that make you feel something for whatever reason. Not being a real musical aficionado, in the technical sense, I have decided to go with 10 of my favorite songs that just move me somehow. Try not to think too hard. Okay, so here goes. 1. I Can't Tell You Why--by The Eagles 2. It's too late--by Carole King 3. I'm Every Woman--by Chaka Khan 4. One of These Nights--by the Eagles 5. Can't Get Enough of Your Love--by Barry White 6. Dreams--by Van Halen 7. Holiday-- by Madonna 8. My Cheri Amour-- by Stevie Wonder 9. Superstar--by the Carpenters 10. Can't You See--by Marshall Tucker Band. These are songs that I unabashedly wail out in my car and the shower, too. No one will every mistake my voice for Whitney or even Cher, but who the hell cares. It's fun to dream and I c0nsider it my right and privilege. As probably evidenced, all of my choices can be traced to love lost, lusted after, enjoyed, dreamt of, been empowered by, and reveled in. Specific songs mark very specific times and people--okay, men. What can I say. I am a slave to the feeling. Having a song relative to those times can bring back a flood of feelings--good and bad. Luckily time seems to somehow "rosey up" the bad times. Jogging my memories for history or say checkbook balances--are something I can NEVER remember. Maybe I would have done better in accounting and history if it just could have been set to maybe, a Grand Funk Railroad riff. But alas, it's true, relationships and love are what it's all about--past and present. And I have to acknowledge Travelin' Man with the Beautiful Loser segue. Ahhhhh. Forgive me Prince, Frank, Englebert, Johnny and Dwight, I love you all too. Please, dear readers, do me a favor and think on this. Let me know at least your top five, and what motivates your preferences. If it makes you dance, cry, sing, etc., tell me about it. Looking forward to your responses. P.S. "Swingtown" debuts tonight and I will be DVR'n the series for some serious strolls down memory lane!! And the groovy 70's tunes. More P.S Beat the Sox, Tigers!!! Yay on the new Pistons head coach, Micheal Curry. (what a hottie!) Welcome to Detroit. Help us bring home the championship!. Whoo hoo! One more P.S. Thanks to my sister, Lisa for giving me the Harley Davidson tank top in my pic. She got it while visiting Dubai and I was the envy of bikers while in the Keys! xo