Happy Belated 4Th of July everyone. I spent a long, wonderful weekend at our beach house, with all intentions of posting. Armed with my laptop and my new Verizon card, I SHOULD have been able to sit on the beach and do an inspired post. A more serene setting could not be found to ponder the universe and profoundly post about it. Just sittin' on the beach and writing. My attempt to load up was met with a sort of rude message that my modem was already in use or some such hooey. OF COURSE. Pure serenity was broken by me cursing out Verizon, computers, and the general state of world affairs. Rant, rave, rave, rant. Would it be too much to ask? Can't everything just work as it should? I know, computers are only as good as the schmuck runnin' it. To this I say bullshit! Last weekend when this schmuck loaded it all up, it ran as smooth as silk. Yep. No Problemo. So whussup now? Maybe some kind of satellite overload with all the holiday phone and computer users? I don't know, but since I am rather a weak high tech red neck and I had no 12 year old available to save me, I just trashed the whole idea. Didn't imagine I left too many people hangin' on the edge with bated breath for my next thrilling excerpt, anyway. However, that is not the point. I decided to vent my frustrations with a workout DVD. Maybe a little sweat and releasing an endorphin or two would take off the edge. All tennis shoed up with stretchy band thing in hand, I took out the case. OF COURSE, the DVD was not in there!! ARRGH. More muttered oaths. Okay. So, then maybe I will just hop on the 4 wheeler and cruise the beach or visit neighbors. Change clothes, apply sunscreen, and turn key on Polaris. OF COURSE, the battery is dead. Why wouldn't it be? Just a little less cursing. Okay. Having exhausted plans A, B and C, I was left with very few options. The lawn chair, book and cocktail edged out the nap by a hair. Settled in said chair, with a view of the water and my book, I realized, now THAT'S serenity. And perfection. It's all good. The rest of the holiday went rather smoothly and traditionally, with a chicken BBQ, fireworks and a bonfire. The old fashioned way. Good friends, good food and the perfect holiday for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Hope yours was simple and serene, however you pursued it. xo
P.S. Note the hokey, pic. Forgot to get a beach shot! xo
8 months ago
Your stories are getting better and better! Keep up the entertaining work.
You know, you're exactly onto something. I've got a Comcast modem that only works sporadically -- either the "providers" are playing games or people are siphoning from them, or both.
And of course, all of your readers, I'm guessing, do look forward to your posts ;->
Hey gorgeous,
Happy late fourth to you! I'm missing you -- we've got to get together soon!
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