It's been a whole year since I have joined this crazycool blogosphere. So, Happy Anniversary to me! 57 posts later and I still look forward to saying my peace. What a cool experience, excavating family memories as well as current lore. Can lore be current? This is me patting myself on the back and celebrating my little feat. I've even gone so far as an acceptance speech. (Clearing of the throat). Thanks to the ever lovely Michelle (Michelle's Spell) for encouragement and support in the early conception. You rock, Babe. Special thanks in addition to Michelle, to The Walking Man who takes me on walks that are on different paths than the one I am used to. To JR's Thumbprints who makes me laugh in the most bizarro of his situations. To Eric of Eric's Choice for helping me become more politically aware--not an easy task for anyone. To Charles of Razored Zen for making science fiction seem like a mysterious wonder to read about. To Steve, Rose and Gary, my homeys who are always there for me. And to all of you readers and commenter's(!) for your wonderful validation. I cherish all of you--even those of you who are too shy to comment, but call or email me. I have always loved to talk and tell stories, so this is the perfect little forum to let it all out. (Wipe away tiny tears.) Cue the loud music and cut to commercial break. Okay! Now I am working on a new idea--wait for it--a drum roll please--writing fiction! Or at least trying. Y'all have to tell me if a person who has had a happy childhood, no drug or alcohol problems, mental health under control (mostly), loves her family and has lived without any real tragedy and no dark side, can conjure up some kind of interest, worthy of putting into words. Haven't had a writing class since High School, and while I loved the class at the time, I don't seem to remember much of what they tried to teach me. I do, however, recall the cute guy who sat in front of me and how he always smelled like baby powder. Also running into Mr. Jason (my teacher) at a local watering hole, being told I could now call him, "Tom" and then having cocktails and pontificating on --oh, who the hell knows what. I currently have a retired English teacher friend at my gym that has given me some basic ideas on how to start, and I am looking forward to you all critiquing and advising me. I feel so privileged to be privy to the wonderful things I have read by all of you. So much wisdom, and I hope I can absorb just a little of it thru osmosis or something. Can only hope it turns into a creative journey that will be fun and enlightening (can I get any cornier?) and if that's not the lesson, so what? Enjoy the sunshine--it may be fleeting. xoxo P.S Happy Birthday to my Grandma Iola who turns 95 on Valentines Day. Miss you and love you, Gramma. xoxo
8 months ago
...and the crowd stands in applause, the back half of the room doing the wave as Miss Jodi smiles and does her best parade wave!
Sure kiddo, you can write even though you're not the product of dysfunction. People connect to a good happy life...brings a lot of folks to tears when they relate to what they want but don't seem able to have.
Now about the point of paragraphs...
You're already an excellent essayist.--Michel de Montaigne
"We can be knowledgeable with other men's knowledge, but we cannot be wise with other men's wisdom."--Michel de Montaigne
Cool. Congrats on a year. I'm into year 3 I think now. I'd have to look up the number of posts.
Hey, don't rule out fiction either. There's some great flash-fiction sites: SmokeLong Quarterly, FlashQuake, and WigLeaf (to name a few).
Congrats on one year.
Hey hey Jodi,
Rock on! So glad to read your posts and enjoy your comments ;->
Any creative non-fiction can be fascinating, so good luck and Godspeed ...
And cheers!
Great job on your first anniversary. I have enjoyed reading it. I have had fun being amateur photographer. let's get back on the trail with our pooh. Keep writing and Happy B-Day to Gramma.
Thank you WM! My son says I write like Kerouac but it's only cuz I just inhale and go. I am working on the paragraph thing as evidenced in my first fiction post. Anonymous-Nice compliment considering you have been dead about a hundred years or so. Charles-I hope to last as long as you! Eric-Thanks and cheers to you, too! Rose-you are a great cheerleader for me, thanks! xoxo
Hey beautiful,
You're the best -- thanks for the shout-out! Your writing is wonderful and fun and whimsical and deep -- just like you! Happy one year! Keep on keeping on -- I'll always be here reading.
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