Happy Mother's Day to all. On this day we remember and honor our Mothers--here and in heaven for the colossal job of being a mother. The unconditional love, total selflessness and dedication is a very hard thing to understand but oh so beautiful for those of us lucky enough to know it.
Rest in peace my dear cousin, and friend, Joyce who passed away this week. She was 50. We grew up 3 houses apart and were great friends. Joyce was an excellent athlete and was not alarmed when, at 22 or so, seemed to have alot of muscular aches. When you competed as hard as she did, this was not so unusual. Soon after, a diagnoses of Multiple Sclerosis left us all shocked and began her 27 year battle with this horrific disease. She fought well and hard-- her attitude and physical condition helping her with the fight. It was one of those situations that just didn't seem fair. The lessons she taught us in courage and hope will never be forgotten. I like to think that she has joined up with her mother and brother, in a pain free and happy place. I hope in heaven the basketball court, running track, golf course and tennis courts are in good shape, as Joyce will surely be up to her old tricks. Have fun, Babe. We will miss you.
Also, I have to give a nod to Ernie Harwell, Tiger's broadcaster and human extraordinaire. Some of my fondest memories are of my Dad grilling up something while us kids ran thru the sprinkler and listened to Ernie announce the Tigers game. He was a class act that lifted Detroit up with his style and grace. He lived it right and lived it well and for this he, too, will be missed.
And sadly our Detroit Red Wings lost on Saturday and are now out of cup contention. I was lucky enough to attend Thursdays game and witnessed Johan Franzen get his hat trick. They had already shoveled about 5 octopi off of the ice when the hats rained down and the crowd came undone. I threatened to throw my brassiere on the ice if he scored again, but remained a lady when, he in fact did. I must finally be growing up. Not sure if I like it, tho. Any hoo, it was an entertaining season and I saw again why they say that Detroit fans are the BEST. See you next year boys. Golf well!
Can I just say that the SNOW on Saturday was a shock? C'mon now. I was so hoping to go for a walk on the beach and not freeze my cookies off doing it. Maybe next weekend.
Hope y'all are having a good one. Life goes on. xoxo
I'm very sorry to hear about your cousin. There has been much of this kind of thing in the blogosphere of late. My thoughts are with you.
That does suck about your cuz.
You might have made sports center with the bra trick!
Let's qualify one statement: "... Detroit fans are the BEST." Do we really need to include the Detroit Lions in this?
It snowed? Jaysus I must have missed it from all the blistering heat of Detroit.
Good one. Sorry to hear about your cousin Joyce, of course.
As for the Red Wings, there's always next year . . .
That pic. is cool!
Jodi, so sorry to hear about your cousin!
I can totally see you tossing the bra! See you this weekend?
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for the loss of your cousin. She sounded like a wonderful person. I would have wxpected no less than a bra flipped on the ice. Way cooler than an octopus. Oh yea only in Michigan can it be warm one day and snowing the next!!!
My condolences about your cousin. may she rest in peace!
Charles, thanks and you are right. Lots of loss. SS-I love Sports Center and would have been totally thrilled to have been featured! JR-I know, I know.. Mark-high 70's by the weekend. Hoooray! Erik-Thanks. We will remain hopeful. The pic was fun! Kels-I should have launched the leopard print! Will be up this weekend! Hef-thanks for your thoughts. Rose-I SO wanted to! Michigan weather is and always has been a challenge. Mona-thank you, Doll. xo to all--u r the BEST!!
Hey gorgeous,
I miss you tons. So sorry to hear about your cousin. I've been having computer issues out the wazoo so I have missed a lot of news. Sending lots of love your way, xo, m
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