Happy rainy Monday! I am decompressing and paying attention to my couch after spending the weekend downtown at the Hoedown and Flower Day. My girl, Kristen and I dragged her two little darlings down to Eastern Market on Saturday for face painting, elephant ear eating and general people watching. Flower Day brings out it's share of gardeners and weekend yard crashers, but the real show is the opportunistic folks out to get their hands on some visiting cash. I love the guys who try to 'sell' public parking spots as their own! I encountered many hungry individuals that were only interested in money and not the actual food to fill them. Oh well, it's their lives to spend that little cash however they wish. Donating to the street musicians never bothers me, as they are entertaining and talented. But I never become immune to anyone who is truly needy. How do you draw the line? I can't donate to everyone--even tho I would like to. The homeless dogs break my heart, too. Again, can't adopt 'em all. The two we house now has to be enough. Sigh...
Then just for giggles, we headed over to Hart Plaza for the hoedown. First timers we were, but virgins no more! Fortified by Bloody Mary's from Vivio's, (delicious!) we made the harried but thankfully short drive. It is there that the true 'people watching' gets good! I have always loved old country music, and some of the new stuff is catching on with me. But why--for the love of God--is the hoe down an excuse for tacky, inexcusable behaviour and dress. Old country was sparkling and sometimes over the top, but it was always relevant and respectful. But that was then and this is most defiantly now. Not to qualify, but if I saw one Dale Earnhardt rebel flag, tattoo'ed beer belly--I saw a hundred! The gorgeous weather allowed these dudes to be shirtless, which always adds to the viewing. Also taking advantage were the chickies in SHORT shorts and tiny, belly exposing tank tops. How do you even sport such rolls at such a young age? Oh, that would be the beer and the luscious fat laded snacks that were being pimped as food options. Gotta love some good nachos with 'gas station cheese'! Not judging here, but you just wouldn't believe it. And why would your bring your infant baby or large, threatening dog along? Huh? Beats the hell outt me!
On the bright side, what I heard of the music was good. Parking was convenient and reasonable. Managed to squeeze Ruby Dee in and amongst all the giant monster four wheel trucks. All in all it was a pretty placid, happy mob. No hard liqueur was sold, which probably helped out with that cause. Finished the day up with a Lysol bubble bath and a wire brush. Public places are very hard for a germaphobe.
Even a redneck one like me! It takes one to know one! So, all is well. Can I get a yee haw up in here?
P.S.-Congrats are in order for my darling friend, Stacey who has just announced her engagement. The last time we had cocktails, She was tellingly, deliriously happy. Kisses and hugs for You, Girl! And for the rest of you? The same, of course! xoxoxo
Public places and large groups are always a bit overwhelming for me. Sounds like you had a good time, though. Cool.
Do the words "Plaza" and "Hoedown" even belong in the same sentence ?!?
Hoedowns rock!
So funny, Jodi, your descriptions -- sounds like some mix of Country and Weird, Western/Southern Culture on the Skids . . .
I like those jokers who say they'll watch your parking space and then vanish into the night . . . Very funny, indeed . . .
I'll take the Hoedowners over the Rappers any day of the week. A young prison gangbanger accused me of lovin' country when country wasn't cool. I told him I'm not as contemporary as his Darius Rucker Ass; I told him I listen to Charlie Pride.
Glad you enjoyed your drinks and beefcakes :D
Charles, It was fun and a great escape! Heff-It's hard to visualize, but Hart Plaze is an enormous plaza in downtown Detroit on the water overlooking Canada. It has about 5 stages and an amphitheater. Parking is pleniful and it's actually a perfect spot for the urban cowboys! Southern Sage-It DID rock! Erik- some of the images unfortunatly will be forever burned into my brain! And you've got it on the Day-Twah scammers! JR-Don't listen to all those 'experts' you have to deal with! I love the old country dudes, too. And Dolly! Mona-cocktails were perfect, the beefcake--not so much! Have a great week. Here in the D, it's supposed to be a sunny week! Enjoy! P.S. Mark, coffee soon?
2 for 1-The CSW
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