The last few days were the promised logistical nightmare with the whirlwind of travel and activities, but I survived-none too much worse for the wear. We had a wonderful holiday, despite, with family, food and fun. But of course, there is no place like home for this home girl.
So, today I planned a 'schedule' quite the opposite of the one I just wrapped up. Kinda like a little holiday detox. Please read and keep up if you can.
9:30 wake up without 'aid' and stretch luxuriously. Pinch more-than-an-inch on tummy and vow to hit my treadmill later. And lay off the cookies. Avoid bathroom scale like the black plague. Stumble down a put on coffee and head out to collect days worth of papers and mail. Sip and read for hours. Brunch on cookies.
12:30 reheat leftover lasagna from my sister's restaurant, followed by more cookies. Scrumptious!
1:00 snuggle with Lola and consider treadmill thing.
1:30 shower and nap in front of fireplace till 4:00. Upon waking, more stretching and then ordering 'Sex and the City II" on ppv. Zone out in chick flick heaven. Admire the muscle tone on the 'fabulous four'! Consider doing some crunches, later.
7:00 reheat more leftovers and dine with my family.
8:00 check computer sites and write blog.
9:00 eat more cookies while reading 'Shape' magazine and vow to actually get in shape.
10:00 prepare to call it a day and go to bed. My personal 12 step has me done with indulgence and ready to join reality. After about 10 more hours of sleep.
In case I haven't done it, let me say Merry Christmas to all of you. Rest well tonight--normalcy begins tomorrow. xoxo P.S. the weather promises a warm week with temps in the high 30's by Thursday. Whoo hoo!
Yes, today was pretty normal. Writing and reading.
Do double duty on the treadmill tomorrow.
I think my nap in front of the fire place yesterday was probably the highlight of my entire weekend.
Happy 2011, Jodi! That's a really great shot ~~ three cheers ~~ skol ~~ to the Scandanavians ~~
Happy new year to you!! A day of relaxing with cookies and good beverages is always a good thing!!
anonymous was me!!
Charles-those are the very best days! Mark-God, don'tcha know it! Brian-as yes, nuttin' like the good snoozer..Erik-to you dear, yes on the Scandanavians! Rose-I have had MORE than enuff of the good thing and am ready to get my rear in gear. My usual for this time of year! To all of my dears, enjoy the start of this fresh, new year with all that it will bring. xoxo
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