Happy New Year everybody. Note the lack of exclamation point which is highly unusual for me. I have been down with a virus for almost a week now and have no real enthusiasm for anything. I have an upper respiratory infection that moved into my larynx resulting in two days of voicelessness. No comments from the peanut gallery please. Back atch'all next week with something more in the way of a post. Till then please pray for my sick ass. Thanks and hugs. xo
8 months ago
I could make a comment about your upper respiratory system being atop the body part you want prayed for but I will pray for what you asked for. Just because I aim to please. Hope your throat gets better too.
To your speedy recovery, salud, Jodi~~
I trust you'll be feeling more "J" ish soon. HOpe so.
Hope you feel better. Bri got sick right before Christmas and today I feel sniffly. Hope to see you soon!
Hope you're feeling better soon. The bugs been going around; lots of prisoners have been coughing on me, but my immune system's intact.
you need to head south for some sun therepy. just an idea, let me know if i can help. get getter soon. steve
Hey sweetheart,
I'm definitely on it! My poor sweet Jodi! Could you send me your address to mbrooks7@juno.com so that I can mail you my chapbook? You and Mark scored the dedication so I need to get it in your hands. Miss you much, honey. xo and lots of love, m
Maarrrrk, save it sweety. Erik, salud, indeed. Need to stay hydrated. Charles-'J'ish, for sure! I like that...Kels, poor Brian. Hope he shook it! JR-good luck with that one. Make those guys wear a mask or better yet, YOU wear one! Steve-sun therapy ALWAYS cures what ails me. 7 more weeks..Michelle-Can't wait to get the book! Miss you too and hope you are well. You alway seem susseptible to these nasty bugs..Take care. To all my darling readers, be healthy. It's really the best thing we've got. Muchas Luvas, xoxo
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