I have to say, this week I am really feeling my mortality. My dear Granny (98 years young) is giving us all a scare with some ups and downs in her world. As of today though, Gramma is feeling great and ready to live for awhile longer-her words! She is my last living grandparent. My own parents are in their mid to late seventies and while their health is quite good, they are definitely getting older. My son turns 29 next month. Never more than lately, have I felt that time, and life, is spinning by faster and faster. Kinda like that ride at Cedar Point where you spin around and then the bottom drops out leaving you hanging on for dear life. And it's all one big, crazy, out of control blur.
Of course, it seems like just yesterday when the voices of Donna and Robin moved us at the disco. Crazy, fearlessly, deliriously, and forever young. And now thier deaths have left me both sad and ponderous. Cancer knows no age boundaries and 62 years old has never seemed younger. Last year our darling Michelle, (Michelle's Spell) nearly died after a serious surgery complication. And now Charles, (Razored Zen) and his wife, Lana are battleing the cancer demon. There are no guarantees and living right offers no safety net.
You may remind me that this is, in fact, life. But knowing that does not make it any easier a pill to swallow. Forced on us, like a bad dream. Much like irony, it is a 'jagged little pill', at best.
So what are we left with? I guess all we can do is live as fully and with as much grace as possible. Someone else is most definely calling the shots for reasons we do not get to know yet. Maybe it's just a reminder or wake up call that we only get one chance to do this thing. I'm going up north next week to check on Gramma . And I vow to slow my own train down a bit, with a little more faith and a lot more gratitude and prayer. That's all. xo
8 months ago
Darlin' you know you're right about the older we get the faster the day seems to pass. You takes your punch and then you get backup and keep on, in hope, and you know that while you breathe you just do the best you know how. Beyond that there is nothing more that you can control.
98! Wow. congratulations to her. Good genes in your family!
Yes, slow down the spinning wheel, by any and all means take the slow train (the one that serves refreshing cocktails, hopefully).
'Someone's waiting just for you
Spinning wheel spinning through
Drop all your troubles by the riverside
Ride a painted pony let the spinning wheel fly . . .'
My last grandparent died on April 13th (Friday the 13th) at the age of 92. It's been said that when your last grandparent is gone you are officially "old." But I can honestly say I'm in the best physical shape of my life. Sadly, I did not get a sympathy card from the little girl I miss the most. You're right Jody, life's too short to quibble or be bitter. My new mantra: "It's a beautiful life if you keep moving forward." Hope to see the crew sometime this summer. I'll be leaving for Sweden at the end of June. Peace. --JR
Your grandma is the best. Hope she feels better. Hope to see her. Feeling my age just a little as my baby graduates High School next week. My how time flies!!! I am trying to slow down and enjoy things a bit more!!! Have a great holiday weekend!!!
Mark, you know you are old when all those adages become true. I've given up on control a long time ago! Charles-My great granny lived to be 103! Scandanavians don't die-they just get more wrinkled! Erik- You know, I just now realized that the 'painted pony' is a carouselo ride! And I've always loved that song! J.R.-You are in fabulous shape, dude! Your attitude is what has gotten you through an awful time and I love your mantra. I am jealous of your upcoming trip-I have always wanted to visit the Scandanavian countries and will someday. Can't wait hear about your trip. Rosegarden-Our kids certainly do mark the passing of time. I will tell Granny that you said hello when I see her on Wednesday. And you DO need to slow down-you are running ragged, girl! It was lovely to hear from all you Darlings. I love it!!!! xoxox
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