When sister-in-law Cheryl asked me to train with her for the 3 day Cancer Walk, I couldn't say no. Cheryl is working up to 60 miles to participate in the fundraiser and her training schedule had her down for an 11 mile walk on Friday.
Now, I can handle 5 miles easily enough, and I can box a few rounds. I am able to stagger through a boot camp class and huff and puff through a step class. I know my way around weight training and I've never met an elliptical machine that I didn't like. But 11 miles? I was not sure I was cut out for that. The schedule has the walk set at a pace of 3 miles and hour so you can build up endurance. So we are talking about a 4 hour time commitment.
At 8:00 a.m. we slammed our energy gel stuff and grabbed our water bottles. The walking path loomed ahead. As I've stated, the first 5 miles went easily and Cheryl and I sailed along and caught up on each others lives. Miles 5-7 took us through Metro Beach and a nice breeze kept us cool. It was at this point that I felt my hips protesting a little. We refilled our water bottles and turned around for the last leg of the walk. I swear miles 8 and 9 were passing so slowly and my hands started to swell. Cheryl, on the other hand, still had a lilt to her step. It became so obvious that her training had prepared her for this haul. We stopped to stretch and her Endomometer reminded us that we had two more miles to go. We forged on and finally got to our finish line. Cheryl promised me cocktail (or 3) and with that thought, we finished.
What a challenge! I recommend anyone able bodied enough to try to do the thing you think you can't do. It feels great.
On this Memorial Day my thoughts go out to all who have sacrificed for us. Also loved ones that have passed but are in our memories today. It's because of you, that our lives are as they are. xoxo
8 months ago
If ya truly like how it feels then I say you probably needed a few more miles but then cocktail hour was earlier so 11 was probably just right.
I need to start pushing myself with tasks like this. And I have time in the summer. Of course, it's awfulllyyyyyyy hot already
Mark,C'mon Bud, I needed some encouragement! Charles-the challenge was very impowering. If not walking, try some other thing that challenges you! xo to you two!
Thanks for training with me sissy. Did I mention that I have 14 miles to do on Saturday, June 16? Good news is, we can split it up and do 7 miles in the morning and 7 in the evening... bring your walking shoes sista! xoxoxo
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