On Saturday, my dear and youngest niece Lindsey married her sweetheart Joe. The wedding took place on the campus of University of Michigan as well as the reception that followed. It was the perfect day for a garden wedding and Lins and Joe were supremely happy. I wish them a lifetime of laughter and joy and love, sweet love. Go Mr. and Mrs. Williamson and Go Blue! xoxo
Yesterday, Mark (The Walking Man) reminded me that this week is Mental Illness Awareness Week. I blogged extensively last year at this time and won't go into all of it today. As a card carrying member of National Alliance of Mental Illness, I keep abreast of all efforts in the mental illness field. It is absolutely amazing how many of us suffer from some sort of mental health problem, while so little is being done to increase awareness. As a disease of our highest functioning organ, it gets very little recognition for the life changing condition that it is. I'm sure you all know of someone who struggles. Until it gets proper recognition, the disease will never get the money for the research it needs to help cure/manage it. Please donate or just advocate in any way you can to help.
Now it dawns on me that I have put marriage and mental illness in the same post. Coincidence? I think not. After all, doesn't a life long union take a certain amount of mental strength? The everyday 'give and take' alone can drive you a little nutty.
But when it's good, it's still the best. Live happy with honor and respect to one another. And call your old Auntie Jodi anytime you need to talk. I love ya both. xoxo
8 months ago
I might be mentally impaired for asking but coffee Friday with the usual suspects?
Nice couple may they still be holding hands well into their eighties!
Mark, do not make me responsible in any way for your pre-existing mental condition. And don't you dare change-I like ya that way. And YES, YES, YES, I can be there. I'll call ya later! xo
Congrats to the newlyweds ~!
And agreed on mental illness awareness/support.
congratulations to the newlyweds. Hope you had some fun with your family!! We need to support mentel health needs!!! We need to increase awareness and have positive support!!
Mark-we need to reschedule our date! xo Erik-Yes, let's do our part! rosegarden-the wedding was a blast and my crazy friends and family did not dissapoint! Have a great holiday all. xoxo
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