Exhale, uncross my fingers, thank the Lord and breathe. Our precious Florida Keys getaway was once again spared any real damage by Hurricane Isaac. Hopefully Charles and Lana will be as fortunate, altho the storm seems to be heading their way. Pray that no one is harmed and the damage is minimal. The hurricane season will be niggling away at us until it ends in November, as it does every year. It confounds me that we can't do something to prevent these things. I mean can't we just throw a stick of dynamite in the eye of it and blow the damn thing up? Why do I have to think of everything? Sheesh....JPG)
And how about that crazy Prince Harry? Hooks up with new bud, Ryan Lochte and just tears up Las Vegas. The fun starts out innocently enough-two shirtless dudes racing in the swimming pool. (Did Harry seriously think he had a chance?) But then things go terribly off the rails. Prince H, darling that he is, hooks up with a bunch of chickies for a game of 'strip pool'. Now where can this possibly go when all he has on is his swimming trunks to begin with!? I can only guess that the cocktails were flowing. And dear Harry, have you not seen the ease of photos with a phone? It's very easy to snap a sneaky pic and just as easy to make the shot go viral in about two seconds. And where was your security beefcake? Fired, I presume. Now, I have always thought the Monarchy to be excessively stuffy, and I admired Princess Diana's attempt to make it more 'common'. But I bet that Harry's mother is rolling over in her grave at her baby boy's antics. Not what anyone had in mind for the 'family jewels'!
Now, I understand that Prince Harry is a young, fun loving guy. We all have war stories that involves events we would not rather admit to. For most of us, it's just the learning curve of life. But he is a Prince and it would seem that that title deserves just a little more tact. What do you think-does the Monarchy's image deserve to be treated with more respect, or do you think that Prince Harry is just acting like a young man of privilege, out for a good time. I understand he has been advised to pull his facebook page-something I was surprised to find that he had in the first place. It's going to be interesting to see how the whole thing shakes out. I have a feeling that Harry will be much less visible for awhile. I have always been fascinated with all things royal and it seems that things have shifted a little. Let me know what you think or even if you care!
Have a great last week of August-September is bearing down on us! xo
Yes to your thoughts on the 'cane. It should move further, much further West or better yet East way East.
West would bring needed rain to the farm belt and East would rain on the RNC parade where they were filmed laughing about Isaac yesterday and not overly concerned with NOLA.
*meh* on Harry. I doubt his brother will abdicate if and when he ever get's his shot. The old lady queen it would appear has no reason other than fear of Charles to keep her top spot.
I know it would be awful to live in those areas and have to worry about this. Scary stuff. That sounds like a good idea to me just throw something in the eye of the darn thing!
LOL I know Harry sure does know how to have a good time...I want to party with him!! Aw He is just a young and single guy enjoying his freedom,its okay as long as he doesn't have a drinking problem or something like that.
Harry haha ~~ I never do get why the Randy Travis and Mel Gibson and etc. types don't just have someone to drive them around and steer clear of cameras and cops, at least.
Canes are Nature, are scary, and good luck to all in the path of Isaac down on Highway 61 and thereabouts . . . Some rain may make it all the way up to Detroit last I saw.
Prince Harry cut loose and got busted!! It does have to be hard to have your every move monitored and watched waitning for you to make one mistake and have reporteds pounce on you!!
Summer is winding down. Bummer!! But fall weather does bring out the fun fall wardrboe!!
Mark, enjoy your blog break, but consider a coffee break-with me! x Jeano-I agree totally with you. Have fun Harry, you only go around once. Erik-I've always wondered that too. When Diana Ross kept getting busted, I thought the same thing! We need rain up here badly! rosegarden-Yes,Yes, Yes. (that is me having a mild 'attack' looking at new boots! Have a wonderful week my darlings.. xo
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