It is with total frustration that I will try to re-create the blog I posted yesterday and inadvertently erased. It's, by the grace of God, the first time I've had to do this.
Ummm, yeah, OK. First I wanted to acknowledge National Suicide Week. Most everyone has been touched by this senseless and tragic choice. In my experience, there is very little you can do for the person who chooses to take their life. Providing an ear and shoulder is about the whole of it. Usually, by the time a person's mind is made up, very little can be done to change it. But the people left behind in these senseless tragedies really are the ones we can help. As in any death, there are really no words of comfort except I'm sorry. It is a wound that I don't think even time can heal, due to residual feelings of culpability and guilt. I've heard support groups can help. God save us from having to go thru this, and give us the grace for compassion to those who have suffered it.
Next, I went on about Grandparents Day. This is the first Grandparents Day that I find myself without any Grandparents. A sort of Grandparent orphan, if you will. With the passing of my Gramma this spring, I became nobodies granddaughter. I was lucky to have them in my life as long as I did. I miss them and think of them everyday. Who else will be happy with a short call or visit? Who will listen with rapt interest while I blab on and on about the details of my life. Even minutia was important to a grandparent. I could count on being told I looked good even if I had gained 5 (or 10) pounds. My Grampa would could me liver and onions with so much love that anyone could have been converted to enjoy this sometimes dubious treat. My Gramma made Norwegian cookies and made sure that I got my own personal tin every year thus contributing to my weight gain. I loved my Grandparents and feel deeply the hole they have left in my life. I pray someday to be able to be the same kind of Gramma to my own grandchild.
Yesterday, when I posted, I was feeling melancholy. Telling you all what was on my mind helped. Thank you all for 'listening'. And for this, I loves ya. xo
P.S. My original post surely was much better than this regurge!!! PPSS-Rosegarden, Charles and Mark all left lovely comments that I am happy to have read before I did the big erase! Not even sure how I did it! Grrrrr.....
8 months ago
"My" said Little Red Riding Hood(rat)"what big feet you have"
I thought this looked familiar. :)
Very eloquently put, Jodi. Agree completely on both suicide matters and grandparents. I'd hoped my last grandparent (maternal grandmother) could have made it to a hundred, but I guess mid-90s isn't bad.
Cheers ~!
@walking man, I thought it was the wolf's physiology that was being discussed in the original fable :D
I have noticed that these days more and more special Days or Weeks have sprung up. We call it trade unionism of Hallmark!
Suicide has youched our family several times. It is always so painful on the ones left behind to pick up the pieces. I have not had any grandparents since I was 21. YOur grandma was a special lady. I did love visiting with her. My children are very lucky tohave some amazing grandparents!! Have a great week!!
Mark, I have many big body parts; however, my feet are not among them. Size 7 1/2 -8 is average! Charles, yes I am a technological dufus. Erik, kinda like the bad and the good of life. Mid 90's is a fine, old age! Hi Mona, I know the Hallmark holiday thing is a little crazy, but it does provide some cool writing prompts. And I am passionate about mine! Grandparents that its! rosegarden, I knew this subject would ring true with you. I love Mom and Clyde. They are perfect examples of both parent and grandparent love. Kisses and Hugs to all of you. You are very special to me. xo
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