Today finds me a day late in my usual posting schedule and more than a dollar short.
Yesterday, near the end of a grueling day in Key West, I was approached by these two skin care experts for a little 'facial relief'. After a leisure drive that included a stop at the No Name key for lunch, many 2 for 1 Margaritas, and much participating in the 'Duval Crawl', there is no doubt that I was ripe for the picking. Also, due to the fact that I had 9, count 'em, spots of pre-cancerous stuff zapped off me last week, I could understand the boys recognition of a likely mark.
Now, I have worked with these little scammers before. They are from Israel, totally gorgeous, dressed in the latest designed wear, and smell delicious. The same qualities that you can find down the strip at the gay bars-with one major difference-these hotties could sell a vegan a t-bone2. Down at the disco, I have no trouble being 'convinced' to spin around to Donna Summer. Oh, but this is different....
After being seated and plied with wine (the cheap stuff), Dollface #1, got an up close view of my poor old, sun ravaged, alchohol dehydrated, and sleep deprived skin. It was hard not to check him out, as he gently applied the 'magic'. The sincerity in those liquid, Hershey candy kiss brown eyes was inescapable.
Now, I could have resisted. (Yeah, right). But, the effects were very visible and I had heard good things previously about the product. I truly was in need for a regime that did not include liquid Soft Soap and generic moisturizer. But experience told me, that after Dollface #2 had sufficiently got to size up my spending capabilities (again, the liquid eye thing), I would have to strongly hold out until he cut the price in half, at least, and threw in 3 times as many freebies.
End of story is that I bought the starter line. This morning my skin still looks terrific. But, you might want to heed my warning. If you see a gorgeous, dude offering to change your world, run-don't walk. And make sure you DO NOT look into those eyes...sigh, but I am weak, and there's one born every minute!!!
8 months ago
hahahahahaha I could sell you anything after a bout of 2 for 1 margarita's. Yet ya done good in not emptying out the wallet into liquid pools of eyes.
Nice of you to share your weaknesses with the world! :)
Sounds like fun! Sorry I missed it! :)
Big Gulp-size chuckles ;->
Mark-I DID do good! And my skin feel terrific! Charles-it was never any real secret! Kels-Girrrrrlll, those dudes were something else! Erik-a Big Gulp Margarita t'was! xo Have a sunny week everyone-it's almost spring!!
So what the heck is this product you purchased??
Those two beauties could sell ice to an eskimo! Damn girl!
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