Happy Memorial Day! To all of the men and women who have bravely gone where I would never have the guts to go and fought to give us all that choice. I enjoy all the freedoms that our veterans so honorably defended and am grateful and humbled by such unselfish service. God bless you all today and everyday.
My Uncle Dan is a Vietnam war vet and I was ten years old at the time. I clearly remember writing letters to him and anticipating letters back. And I got them. He fought in the front lines and was a platoon leader. This was a very scary time for my family when all we could do was write and send care packages. We carefully would pack up my Mom's wonderful baked goods and other favorites and send it off to those exotic addresses. We later learned that he generously shared this bounty with others. Thankfully he made it back, but not before seeing the horrors of war. To this day I cannot watch 'Saving Private Ryan', 'Platoon', or any other movie depicting war. Just too realistic and heart wrenching. We were, and are, very proud of Uncle Dan.
A friend of mine, Tom, fought in the Gulf War. We communicated with letters also. From his left handed leaning scrolled notes and television coverage, I felt very close to that war/skirmish. How very strange to be able to 'see' the war and not just imagine it. (My silly crush on reporter Arthur Kent a.k.a. 'The Scud Stud' made it even more interesting!
A dear friend, Dava, also a veteran, just got her son home from Iraq. He is finally safe and in her loving arms. What a relief and once again, we are very proud. Welcome home Derek!
And to those of you that have had friends and family die in any war, know that their efforts are not forgotten. Happy Memorial Day. xo
8 months ago
I had two nephews in the Gulf War but both came home safely.
This war might be over now if we had out in a 600,000 men like we did Nam but then I imagine the death toll would be much higher and the children of the politicians and rich still would buy their way out.
As a living veteran i think the dead ones only true concern in this life is them that got maimed don't keep getting screwed by the government that sent them.
That's very very cool on the letter exchanges, Jodi.
One of the wars that screws with the mind is the American Civil War -- Americans vs. Americans. Support *which* troops? Me: the Union. But it's a tough one, given the 600,000 war dead.
Charles-Wonderful! Kudos to both of them. Mark-I couldn't agree with you more. Didn't know you were a Veteran! xo Erik-that war was pretty effed up! But aren't they all? Make love not war is my battle cry! xoxoxoxoxo
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