I had the strangest experience on Friday night. While dozing on the sofa with a belly full of pizza, I woke suddenly. The Tiger ball game was on and I was listening to the commentary. Suddenly my heart started racing while my palms began to sweat. I was completely overcome with the feeling that my Dad-one of the greatest Tiger fans ever- was near and watching the game, too. Like here, with me, on the love seat. It was so very real that I almost heard his voice arguing the call. Just as quickly as it came, the feeling left me. The whole thing was oddly comforting and I hope it happens again sometime.
Now I wonder...Was I dreaming? Was Dad's spirit really with me in such a palpable way? Was it nothing more than simple missing him and being reminded of him through our common interest? Is this part of an adjustment period of sorts? Don't know, but it was comforting and I loved it.
I have always believed that some of our energy is left here after we pass on. Have any of you ever experienced anything like this? Do tell, Darlings, I really would like to know. xo
P.S. What's cuter than dogs in cars? I saw these two in the keys patiently waiting for their owner to finish shopping. Our old Mickster would have stormed the Kmart to find me for sure! Even the dogs in the Keys are laid back! xo
8 months ago
Hey Jodi, Sounds like you were visited.
I've had dreams sort of like this, and jump starts, but this is stronger, seems like.
p.s. funny on the self-restrained dogs. . .
I haven't had such experiences for either my father or my mother.I don't think I'm a very sensitive person, though. I'm only kind of half there whereever I am.
Nope not me.
Sissy, I'm pretty sure I've told you about my experience with my Dad a few times. I do believe that our loved ones come to visit us and check in on us. It's a blessing when they do and I thinka reminder to us that they are not far away. I know others who have had similar experiences too and I do really believe that this happens. Embrace it, enjoy it and don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with your Dad the next time he comes to visit. Love you much! xoxoxoxo
Yup.... one day around the campfire we can yap about it. It still freaks me out and this happened just before Chance passed away.
Erik, it's eerie isn't it? Those dogs were hilarious! Charles-I really walk around in my own bubble too. When someone wants you to remember them, you will be able to feel it. Mark-Really? Seems to me you would be a great receptor for someone. xx Sissy, you have told me these stories and now I totally get it! Ben-I miss u! Let's do a 'bonfire yap' real soon! Love to all of you that help to keep me in this world. I love ya all! xo
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