"Bows and flows and angel hair. And ice cream castles in the air." This Joni Mitchell tune is one of my favorites and certainly the one that came to mind on Sunday. While relaxing in my hammock, I was treated to an almost periwinkle (just that word can make me smile!) sky, full of fluffy, soft, white clouds. The breeze was just gentle enough to slowly morph them into shapes. I saw a wolf, a mustache, a bunny and a fish. One cloud blew me a kiss with it's full lips.
The song's lyrics can give anyone pause. Haven't we been both transported by the very thing that can sometimes disappoint us? Weather is the first and most obvious thing that comes to mind. The beautiful illusion Joni sings of is barely visible when I see it out the airplane window. Money can be a curse and a blessing at times. I've heard great beauties claim that their looks have hindered them, when all I could see was great genes. Love, tragically, is usually a double edge sword with the power to heal us or break our hearts.
I believe that possibly nothing is as it seems. Our perspective colors the subjective pictures in for us. Life's lessons can teach us to look deeper than the surface for the true meaning of things. Being a 'glass half full' kinda gal, I prefer to enjoy the illusion but recognize that most things are a lot of smoke and mirrors. Harsh reality is well, harsh- and I prefer to view it from my 'Princess bubble'.
Or in my hammock, lost in the clouds. Enjoy your week. I hope its full of only the softest, fluffiest and periwinklest of things. xo
8 months ago
Sounds incredibly pleasant!
Sounds like I should stay on this side of 8 mile.
Charles-being a natural born dreamer is how I like to hang! Mark-you need a little periwinkle in your life!!! xo to my special guys. Love ya.xo
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