I have never experienced pain. Oh there was the forgettable, fleeting pain of childbirth and maybe a couple of cracked hearts along the way, but no real 'pain'.
Things have changed this past week. Back pain. And it's the worst. (I know I'm not telling you anything, Mark!)
Last March while painting a bedroom in Florida, I experienced a stabbing sensation in my lower back. Okay, so I'm achy for a week or so. No probs. Pass the Aleve, please. BUT the ache has progressed to the point of pain. Yard work, gym time, fun time-it's all effected by a dull, stabbing pain-and apparently my activities have aggravated the situation. Even shopping hurts!! Weakening, nauseating, and breathtaking pain that follows me everywhere. My x rays show a bend in my spine and some moderate disc damage. Some nerves are involved. I don't really get it, but she assures me that we will work our way thru it. Gradually.
So, 3 times a week I trudge into the chirocracker to receive warm compresses, a roller table, massage, and an adjustment. The results are slow in coming but sometimes it doesn't ache AS much. Wine seems to help-imagine that! I have a totally new respect for anyone who suffers in this way.
I know Mark, (Walking Man) has had surgery and still suffers from his injury, but does anyone else suffer from this horrible malady? I need your stories and support, so let me know! And for heaven sake, do not ignore symptoms that can later come back to haunt you. xo
8 months ago
Jodi if the chiro does not totally fic the pain in two months wort of treatment I suggest you get an lumbar MRI. If the pain gets progressively worse and starts to hit your leg, especially the left get right to the MRI.
In the meantime go see Sunrise pain management clinic on Rochester road in Troy.
Sunrise Institute for Pain Management
6535 Rochester Road | Suite102
Troy, MI 48085
MAIN: 248-813-0060
Glowacki knows his shit and takes holistic approach to pain. they can be found on the web.
I've got a fair amount of pain at times. It comes and goes, and makes it hard to lift stuff, but it's at least not chronic. Hope you'rs improves soon.
jodi, no, but wine sounds helpful, for sure!
I know others with back pain. Doesn't sound fun. Goodluck and here's to healin' ~!
Mark, I knew you would have some words of wisdom for me. xo Charles-It's a bitch, but it gives me an honest reason to sit on my caboose and READ! Erik- Yes, the magic elixir does help. I'ma healin' tho! Thank's for the support my darlings. Saaamootch to you all! xo
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