Spent a loverly evening out with my nieces. My family is so wonderful that it simply amazes me. Both of my 'supermodel' nieces work in toxicology in Ann Arbor. Laurel's husband is an ear surgeon for the U.of M. and Lindsey's hubby is a rocket scientist. For real. Poor smart Joe, is the but of many family jokes when anything in question is referred to 'Joe-he's the rocket scientist!' Joe and Linds are moving to Switzerland for a year while he works on a project that is too top secret to even share with the family. So, they are in the process of buttoning up their lives here for a year. Cats are boarded, condo is rented, cars are sold. And all of us have a new vacation possibility. Good luck darling Lindsey and Joe. We will all miss you, but wish you the very best of a very cool adventure.
I hope to visit-never been to Europe, but have always wanted to. Skiing and chocolate are two of my very favorite things in life. Skiing while eating chocolate would BE my favorite thing! Just gotta brush up on my yodeling! xo
8 months ago
Luck to your niece and her husband in Switzerland. Sounds pretty cool.
Charles, Oh to be so young and adventurous.. No children to ground them yet, so it's the perfect time. Later on, it gets harder and harder to budge our old asses! xo to you, Dear!
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