"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future", is a favorite quote of mine, by Oscar Wilde. His poetry and quotes are easy for me to love as they are a reflection of his decadent, glamorous and humorous lifestyle. Poor Wilde was actually imprisoned as a result of his homosexuality, back in the day. I can't even imagine this injustice and the strides we are making towards sexual equality pleases me very much. Wish Oscar would have lived to see this and I'm sure some whiskey would have been raised in a toast to our progress-slow as it has been in coming.
Sinners and saints-aren't we all? I suppose the quote could easily be interpreted as a 'nobody's perfect' ideal. I think it gives the nod to both all of our faults as well as our humanity. It also speaks to our spirit which is flawed but with always a chance for redemption. How about equality? Maybe Oscar meant it as an equalizer to provoke tolerance in us. We all have a story about someone who did everything wrong and then lived to right those wrongs. Or maybe we just learn from our mistakes. I don't know, I just like the forgiveness and hope the quote invokes.
So my darling sinners and saints, do you have a favorite quote? Let me know if one especially rings your bell! Have a decadent, glamorous and humorous week. Oscar would have loved it! xoxo
8 months ago
Wilde was so brilliantly creative. What a mind.
Happy Birthday, Jodi ~ I'll muse over quotes and return ;->
Oscar Wilde was a cool & wild dude, for sure ~! His "Sphynx" grave is in Paris (the same one with Jim Morrison), in case you go :->
OK, in the spirit: "Cheap booze is a false economy." - Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22. Cheap *anything* is a false economy. Oscar Wilde: "I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best." Haha.
Charles-He was a cool customer and totally amusing to boot! Erik-thank ee on the birthday wishes. OMG! Those quotes are the best and I heartily agree. Wilde was a rock star!! xo you two!
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