DISCLAIMER!!!! (To completely understand this post, you may have to harken back to my Oct. 31, 2010 post called 'Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud.' I fully realize that I am an idiot that gets overly attached to and even name my Mustangs.) Please indulge and bear with me. I thank you in advance. xo

My affair is over. I knew from the moment I saw him 3 years ago, I had to have him and there was no turning back. I adored his sexy, sleek look and fast temperament. That mustang had a body like Arnold with a Denzel face! For three torrid years, Denzel Washington and I carried on like no one was watching. Our tryst took us to the Keys for the winter and, recently to a quick getaway to Canada. I loved his black, badass self. And, Lord help me-he was as smooth as silk.
Our parting was a mutual thing, (okay, the lease was up!) and we will always remember the good times. We bonded one last time over a drink, (gas) and a bath together (the car wash). It was bittersweet but oh so fun while it lasted. But I'm really not the cheatin' type and Denzel is free to make someone else feel special. xo
I made a new 'buddy' on Friday that is helping me move on. 'Sasha Fierce' is a hot little thing with a cool attitude. She is a racy little diva that promises to keep me on the straight and narrow. With her platinum good looks and hot accessories-we are going to PAAARRTAAYY!
And, again, I thank you all for enduring my craziness. xoxoxo
Always entertaining. My current car is quiet and rather academic.
You've had more different cars in three years than i have had in 10.
Charles-I swear this is my last 'Stang before I settle into a more sedate model. Mark-Oh nonsense! I regularly have 3 year leases. Have a blessed week you two. I love and appreciate all your support. xo
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