What's the t.v. show or movie that you will stop at anytime you find yourself randomly channel surfing? Fox 2 News last week focused on just that question. Big day in the news world, huh? The 'talking heads' conferred and agreed that 'Shawshank Redemption' was the one movie they will always stop on. Lucky for them, its on almost every day on various channels. Lucky for me, it's also a favorite.
My Dad would watch 'The Outlaw Josey Wales' and love it each and every time. My son will watch 'Office Space' and 'The Big Lebowski' ad nauseum along with anything by Guy Ritchie. Randy will watch 'Waterworld' and any of the 'Kill Bills' without once tiring of the craziness. Same goes for 'Pulp Fiction'.
I cannot resist either of the 'Sex and the City' movies and the series that I practically know by heart can still make me giggle. As many times as I've seen those shows, I still find something new-usually. 'Legend of the Fall' is so beautifully done, that I never tire of it. I also have seen 'Sling Blade' a thousand times and I also watch 'Erin Brockovitch' whenever I want background sound. (It's on right now!) "Casino' and 'Goodfellas' both amaze and stun me. I sometimes watch a 'Snapped' marathon marveling at how dumb and desperate people think they can outsmart detectives and d.n.a. 'Cops' is my total guilty pleasure. And I've mentioned before, I love 'Rehab Addict' and cheer on every victory Nicole Curtis has while rehabbing her houses. When cooking dinner I sometimes have 'Friends' reruns on and I can't believe at how originally I thought this show was funny. It's now unrealistic and sophomoric on most levels, but, inexplicably, I still leave it on.
So what's your favorite? Do you have a show or movie that is irresistible to you? Oh, and one last question. Do you fall asleep with the t.v. on? I, myself, cannot sleep with the tube on. It makes me restless and gives me crazy dreams.
Can't wait to hear from y'all. But right now, I've got to go. Erin is about to get her 2 million dollar check and I can't miss it!
Oh my gosh... Just popped back on to amend something. How could I forget 'Saturday Night Fever'? I love, love, love it. And my all time fave-a drum roll here-'Gone with the Wind'. Scarlett is my girl . She is both glamorous and frivolous-two irresistible qualities! xoxo
8 months ago
Outlaw Josey Wales or Once upon a time in the west.usually Alien or Aliens, or certainly "The Thing."
Hey Jodi, Your Dad's and son's picks usually hook me, also, plus Sopranos and the same gangster flicks that draw you. The Good, the Bad & The Ugly . . .
p.s. not a fan of leaving the TV on but I've known folks who have done so -- all now deceased.
Hugs my friends.
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