Here's some 'cornball' for y'all this morning-the best things in life are free.
That said, I must qualify a few things. The first weekend at the beach house this summer is not quite 'free'. Along with the usual bills and taxes-most definitely not free, I hauled $300.00 worth of start up supplies up the shoreline to get things rockin'. A stop at a favorite resale put me back 45 bucks, but I scored two large, pristine gargoyle bookends for Dane plus a vintage Detroit Pistons t-shirt. Cheap, compared to the next sashay thru TJ Maxx where new threads racked up another tidy amount. But I put that little spree on my Maxx credit card, (interest rate 26.5!) so it doesn't really count. Right? Gas, Tim Horton's and the 'likker sto' finished things up and added to the tally as I finally made it to the beach.
But this morning...ahhhh... I love waking up early here and my routine hardly varies. First thing, of course, is putting on the coffee and smelling my brew come to life in this tiny kitchen. I grab my old, plush Hello Kitty robe and whatever current book I'm reading or in this case re-reading. It's an old fave that I had loaned to Dane but recently got back. It's called 'Second Hand', and is written by a Detroiter with the story taking place in Detroit. It is always fun to read about things when you recognize the locations the author is detailing. It is wittier than I remember as the character describes his love for 'junking'. Given my propensity for oddities, the story kind of hits home. My home is too contemporary/modern for most old stuff, but that doesn't stop me from loving to look at cool kitsch.
The view of the lake on a sunny morning is stunning. The water is calm and appears to have glitter twinkling on the surface. And glitter is never a bad thing! Bird sounds are loud and varying and provide all the background music I need. Plenty of time for Pandora later. As the coffee finishes I grab my old pink 'pirate girl' mug and settle in on the slip covered love seat near the window. Lola is stretched out to full length (about 3 feet!) in the sun with a half lidded look of complete contentment as she soaks up her vitamin D. And also contented, and in total comfort, I enjoy this most perfect morning.
I mentally sit and offer up a prayer of thanks to all who have fought for and are still fighting for this lovely life I enjoy. My deepest gratitude and respect to every one of you for helping to make it all possible. I do not take this 'free' dom for granted and like this day to contemplate it. Men, women, active, retired, and veterans-never forgotten, always honored. xoxo
Sounds well worth a bit of cost!
Did you go swimmin yet? i understand the lakes are about 20 degrees below where they should be.
Charles-I completely love it! Mark-Are you kidding me? I grew up swimming in Lake Huron as early as Memorial Day, but now I'm a wimp and am lucky to go in by July 4. 78 degree Keys ocean water is much more my speed! Have a great week my two friends! xo
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