Did you ever have a week that just flew by in a blur? After arriving home and enduring the death of our precious Lola, surprisingly the world just kept turning. It did not stop while I mourned anew. I had to buy cremora, pay bills, look after the yard, see my Little Sister, and plan to head up north for a family wedding and to rescue my Mom from her 2 weeks of dog sitting Mickey. Events just keep happening no matter how much you'd like to stay in bed for a nap and a good read.
Tragically, people in the Detroit area cleaned up from the massive flood. Tearfully they put their belongings on the curb and prayed for a way to replace the things that they lost. Sister in law, Cheryl completed 60 miles in the Susan G. Komen cancer walk. The training she did was intense and she stayed focused. Hooray Girl, you did it again and we are so proud of you! National Coney Island and shopping for my Little Sister's school supplies took up most of a Wednesday afternoon and I muddled thru knowing that a nap would come later. Cousin Kristie and her man Kevin wrapped up plans for their wedding and on Saturday it all came together in a lovely celebration.. It was a happy event although I couldn't help but blink back tears thinking of how the time has past. Their beaming smiles and faces full of love were so optimistic and I pray that they can stay that way. .
I fear for the future of all of us-mostly the inevitable. Handling life's sorrows is so hard. I'm not sure how anyone prepares for having the air knocked out of you. No one can predict what might be waiting around the corner for any of us. One rainfall, one phone call or one split second can change the color of how we view the world. I look at everything differently now. Happiness is a moving target with no guarantees. Nothing is the same and I have changed. Baby's are being born and the circle of life continues relentlessly without skipping a beat. I'm happy for those new parents while mourning the grandchildren I will never have.
I pray for the strength to continue without constant question. Live for today. Be good to yourself and others. It's the only chance we have at living thru this thing called life. xo
8 months ago
Question nothing, choose your battles wisely, grow old well and when the final answer comes, just do not fight it. That's all I know Jgirl
Do not fight it! Good advice from Mark. I have a hard time with it though. But life wins in the end anyway.
Hey, "The Walking Man", America was told the final answer by a certain English geezer called Richard Dawkins but they weren`t interested in listening ! ! !.
Life is unfair in many ways. Why do some outlive their death penalties on death row, while others eager to start life are denied. None of us really have answer's. The only answer or guarantee we have in this large round fish bowl is .... faith, belief & hope. Many moons ago while wiping nose buggers under the church phew I remember the priest tell the congregation, "The day you are born is the day you start dying, make the best of it till your called upon heaven." If you carefully look at the first sentence... I got to thinking maybe there is a reason felons rot away behind bars. Maybe the good dye young for a reason. Maybe the plan is for some to suffer entrapment while others can enjoy freedom & peace. Whatever it may be... we never forget the ones close to our heart. They never really go away, they just wait for our return. The circle of LIFE ... Love Inhabits Family Evermore.
Brilliant, except for the bit about the snot, that spoilt the whole ambience and profundity. Next time remember to keep nasal mucus out of your "2001: A Space Odyssey" musings ! ! !.
Will do. By the way, just with regards to your name, its one of THE most ludicrous and absurd i`ve ever encountered ! ! !.
Well its the name on my birth certificate, take it or leave it ! ! !.
Jodi It does seem so unfair that life continues without skipping a beat, while yours has been so painfully changed forever. I see from your blog that nothing in your life is looked at with the same eyes. The unbearable sadness you feel now is felt by all that love and care about you. I wish I could make it all go away. I do know you are wonderful person with a kind heart and deep longing to do something positive with all of this. And I just honestly feel that you will some day. That you will write something or become involve with a person or a group that will make a difference in someone's life. Maybe lots of people. That was how Dane was too, he always wanted to help people, make a difference. Keep writing. Its your best friend right now. My heart is breaking for you. Hang in there, we all understand and get it. Take care of yourself. Dane would want you to. Bear hug! Love Ya!
Oh sissy, whenever something bad happens to someone good, someone passes away too soon or a loved one suffers from a horrible disease, I always ask myself "Why?" Life can be so unfair and just when you think you've been dealt enough pain, BAM, it slaps you in the face again. They say "that which doesn't kill you will make you stronger" but must we as human's suffer so much to the point where we feel that our heart is being ripped from our chest? I jus don't understand that. My heart breaks for you and Randy becuase not only have you both suffered the loss of our son, but aso your precious cat Lola. It's not fair, it sucks and I hate it. I wish I could wave a magic wand and take away all your pain but I can't. All I can do is offer support and undying love! xoxoxoxo
Someone has seemed fit to re-use my name and make a comment about your name. To be clear... it is not me. :)
The snot thing is just my added touch of childesh humor in me.
For the person that stole my name... I shake my head side to side.
It has been brought to my attention that somebody is posting under a name other than their own. Please feel free to comment, but do not hide behind someone else's name or I will delete your comment. Please keep comments relevant. My friend Benjammin' is a dear. supportive and loving friend who would never use my blog as a platform for his agenda. AND He is was more original and humorus!
"Happiness is a moving target with no guarantees." Truer words rarely expressed.
Here's to better tidings, and keep on keeping on, Jodi. A salute'
To all of you: Thank you for your love and support as I move forward. Your words and wisdom give me so much peace and so many smiles. I love you all. xoxo
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