Friends. I love my friends. Not the virtual facebook 'friends', but real honest to goodness friends. They are the supporting characters in my life and I don't know what I'd do without them.
Friday night, oh boy, all Hell broke loose. On a whim, I called buddy Tim and was shocked to discover that he, too, had a night open. (I later found out that he cancelled a date!) It's not often that those stars align and we both knew it was a rare event that found us both available. A suburban white woman and a younger, urban dwelling, dreadlocked, black man make an odd looking friendship, but we revel in our differences as much as our commonality. Tim and I met in the middle at a great little joint and did a crazy dance/run things to each other. Tim catches me up in a crazy hug and we literally jump for joy! Then came reminiscing, laughing, and telling new tales. Hours flew by and we reluctantly parted before an impaired driving ticket would have to be issued, ruining our night. Luv u Timmy-my brother by a different mother!
My BFF Kristen and I talk almost every day and sometimes 3 times a day! We can barely get thru our gym classes without getting stern looks from our trainer. We can examine and beat to death any subject big or small. No detail is left unturned from split ends, organic cooking, and shopping! We debate the general conundrum of child rearing and life as we know it. She has been there for me thru some of the darkest days of my life. Her family has adopted me as their own and I love them for it.
I could spent a week telling you of the rich friends in my life, but I think you get the idea of the importance of them to me. I want to also mention a few others-most of which I have talked about before in my blog. Therese, Mark, Marky Mark, Rose, Matt, Kelly, Cheryl, and Jeanne. My friend Tami deserves her own blog post and will get it soon! xo If I've forgotten anyone, please forgive me. Thank you all, you make me feel special. And I love you. xo
8 months ago
Back at ya Kid. Pick a day.
Very cool!
Mark-call u soon, Buddy. Charles-it IS the best feeling. xo
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