I can cross this one off my 'bucket list'. I finally made it to Chicago. Friends were shocked to hear that I had never been there before, being a girl that loves to visit big cities. So when Sister-in-law extraordinaire had a conference being held in the Windy City, I was only too happy to hop the train and tag along.
I found the city almost exactly as it had been described to me. Big, beautiful, diverse, and clean. Cheryl, who has visited a number of times, was a perfect tour guide.
I tend to love 'port towns' and the touristy area of Navy Pier proved to be my favorite place. It reminded me of a county fair without the animals (which I love) and the sleazy carnies. Riding on the giant ferris wheel gave us the most incredible view of the city and waterfront. Conveniently, the yummy specialty cocktails we enjoyed at 'Harry Cary's' gave Cheryl the chutzpah to overcome her fear of heights. Well sort of....
As usual, I enjoyed the street traffic and people watching. I was totally impressed with the Asian men and their incredible cool. They just nail urban style perfectly. And also as usual, I am sorrowed by the homeless and their dilemmas. Many were obviously diseased. I know I can't save or even help them all and I hate that. The brutal Chicago winters must be totally uncomfortable for such. All I can hope for, is that there are plenty of shelters available and hope that someday mentally ill, veterans, unemployed, and addicted can be offered health care and help. It's truly the dichotomy of most big cities, that the most indulged people are beside the least fortunate.
Sissy and I are getting old. On Saturday night, where could we be found? Toting large shopping bags? Partyin' it up in one of the great bars? No way, J(spot)! Girlfriend and I were tucked in our beds watching a rental movies. Yup, it's like that. We are perfect travel companions and we didn't feel like we were missing a thing.
But, it's back to reality and that's okay with me. As usual, Homegirl is just as content at home-till the next time duty calls!
Thanks again to Cheryl, who is the Ethel to my Lucy. Love u, xo
8 months ago
Never been to Chicago either. Gotta go see my buddy up there some time.
Sounds like great fun, Jodi ~! How was the train ride? Last time I took Amtrak Detroit-Chicago was 2008, slow but easy and very inexpensive.
Now you need to go in January and discover why it's called the Windy City. You hotel bed and rental movies would get a lot more company.
Sissy, thank you so much for joining me in the Windy City. It was a blast and as always, you are the best traveling companion. I look forward to wherever our next journey takes us. Xoxoxo
Charles-GO! You will love it! Erik-The train ride was smooth. We sat in the club car with 7 women from Canada who were in a book club. Discussed our favorite authors and books while having numerous cocktails! 68 bucks round trip! Mark-You know I hate the cold and wind as much as you do! Cheryl-Sissy, where oh where will we go next!!! xo And happy trails to you all! xo
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