Does anyone ever call Monday a 'funday'? Not usually, I suspect. But when a my darling niece, Lindsey proposes a such a day, how could I say no?
So, instead of the usual Monday grind, I hauled my cookies to Ann Arbor and participated in a girly day of indulgence. By waiting until after the early rush traffic time, I made the drive in just an hour. We started out with lunch at Zingerman's. It's been awhile since I've been there I and I forgot how much I love their menu. Why does grilled cheese sandwiches taste so good when you order them out? Maybe it was the exotic cheddar or the excess of matter, it was delicious! Next stop was downtown where the weather was perfect for browsing the cool shops. Just enough of a street crowd to make the hustle and bustle of the season perfect. Loved perusing the unique, arty stores without any holiday shopping pressure. Both Lindsey and I purchased cashmere scarves-for ourselves! And of course, all that browsing can make two girls thirsty, so a drop into 'Felix' was in order for a couple of specialty martinis. Yummy..
But the best part of all was getting to know my niece as an adult woman. The time spent at family holidays doesn't always lean to that type of conversation. Especially in our family with sports on t.v., various pets running around and all of us pretty much talking at once. Lindsey and I have a mutual love of food, wine, makeup, family and art. She is a scientist with a brain I could never stand next to, but if she talks slowly and uses short words, I can kind of get it. Kids these days!
Thank you, Linds for breaking your old Auntie out of her rut. I had a blast and am looking forward to more adventures with talk of a cake decorating class and a sushi making lesson. Sounds cool, doesn't it? xo
Merry Christmas, my Darlings. xo
8 months ago
Charles-yes, sushi! We catch lots of fresh tuna and I usually just chill it and eat it raw, but I want to learn how to do the rolls! Keep ya posted! xo
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