We were out with friends when the Bruce Jenner interview aired. Having missed it, I knew I could catch it on On Demand when I had the time. Today I watched it.
The issue of gender confusion is not new to me. Starting with the Jeffery Eugenides novel, "Middlesex" and then some other reading, I have managed to educated myself quite a bit. I also know personally a family that is going thru the issue with their small child. After their son started showing signs and vocalizing his wishes, his parents explored everything possible. They have accepted the wish, and are raising their son, now as a girl. What an amazing thing that she was born to parents that understood and supported her.
Bruce's interview was as much about his identity as the education of the viewer on transgendering. He bravely gave a face and a heart to his struggle. Bruce seems finally at peace and is looking forward to living his life authentically. His hope is to educate and help others in any way he can. And I hope he does.
Bruce then left us with this final thought; "When you think of me, please be open minded. I'm not this bad person. I'm just doing what I have to do."
Go Bruce, be yourself and be happy. xo
8 months ago
Hey Jodi, what I'm finding interesting is that I now know six women who were excited to watch this -- and no men (including myself). But good to know about, for sure -- and I agree with your sentiments.
Erik-no men, for sure! But as I said, I have a personal interest in this very topic and it was handled with understanding and class. Stay cool, my man! xo
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