I love the royals. Princess Grace, Princess Diana, William and Kate and Harry and little George, even the old Queenie, I love to watch. Prince Charles and Camilla? Not so much. Not much style and or glamour going on there..But the dignity and tradition and proper behavior get to me a little. So unlike the way we do it here in the good old USA.
So as a whacko who follows the Britian monarchy, I want to welcome Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana who was born May 02. Such a sweet baby!
Coincidentally, our own little sweetie, Princess Vivenne Marie Thompson was born on the same day to our dear friends, Tom and Kara. Congrats to all and I can't wait to get my hands on little Vivienne. There is simply nothing like a baby to inspire a fresh new look at life. I am very excited to watch her grow, while seeing our friends turn into parents.
Happy Cinco De Mayo tomorrow and a very special Happy Birthday to my Sissy by another mother Cheryl. Cheryl is my sister in law, confidant, inspiration and support team, and partner in Margarita crimes. And trust me-there have been a few! Have the bestest day evahh and we will eat cake (and bitch about it later) and drink margaritas soon. Love you so very much, Doll. xo
Y'all have a blessed week and enjoy our upcoming spring weather. I love it!! xo
8 months ago
A new royal baby? I didn't know she was pregnant.
Awwwwww, thank you Sissy. Looking forward to sharing some margaritas and bitching about it. Love you!!!
Happy birthday to all and sundry ~!
Chuck and Camilla are a trip -- space oddities. Poor old dude will prolly never get to be king of anything.
Saw some blindfolded students whacking away at a pinata. Fun stuff on cinco.
Charles-Aw c'mon, be a sport! Sissy-C u in 4 days! xo Erik-You crack me up. And yes, indeed, there will be sundries! Love to all of you. xo
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