On Mother's Day I had the pleasure of honoring my Mom-wonderful Mom and friend that she is. She is always there for me and the older I get, the more like her I am. And that's fine with me!
I have always felt that being a mother was it's own honor. From the very creation and of a child, a mother signs on for the incredible responsibility of nurturing, caring, loving and teaching. I loved being a mother. I am still struggling when someone asks me anew, "do you have any children". I stammer and stutter and get all teary. Not yet sure how to answer that question with grace. But, I'm working on it.
I want to thank some very special people this week. Darling Michelle, who has been so very supportive to me this past year and always. I love my angel, Angel Girl! xo Jaime, who always is generous with goodies, cards and sweet words. You help me keep the faith, Girl. xo My Mom, brother Steve, sister Lisa and brother-in-law Steve, who wrapped me in a weekend of family and love. More family and friends offered hugs and support. My phone blew up in supportive texts and my facebook page and Dane's Remembrance page were filled with lovely words. I received cards with the most heartfelt of messages. Dollfriend Kristin-your words, I will never forget. You know me so well and perfectly addressed what I was struggling with. xo And if I've forgotten anyone, I apologize. Oh! My husband, for his constant acceptance of me and my tears. Thru his own grief, he is always there for me. The flowers were lovely, too! xo
Thank you all for helping me on this heart hurting day.
And Dane, for 31 years I was honored to be called your Mother. You are my heart and it was the best thing ever. xoxo
8 months ago
Very sweet. Beautiful flowers.
Sissy, I absolutely adore this picture of you and Dane. You can see so much love in this picture. As for what to say when people ask you if you have children... simply say "Yes I do but he lives in Heaven now." Though Dane is not with us here on earth, he is forever in our hearts and memories and I know that more times than not, he is with you... watching over you and forever loving you. XOXO
I love u jodi made me cry , u are such a blessing...U are a Mother and always will be and a great one at that..If I didn't have my Mom God forbid, ur ears would be hurting from all the motherly advice questions..I trust u in any situation cause u are a awesome Mother....All my love xoxoxo
Charles-Thank you, Bud. xo Sissy-Sigh..I believe all that is true, but it helps when you remind me. xoxo Jaime-You have been wonderfully supportive to me an I love you for it. Thank you for all you do. xoxoxo
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