Last week this northern girl got schooled in the 'southern way' by 9 southern belles.
Class was held last week at a beach house in North Carolina. The first lesson I learned was that the legendary southern hospitality is no joke! The Belle's made me feel completely at home. They seem to effortlessly consider each others needs. From getting each other coffee and cocktails, to patiently listening to each others personal issues-they were sweetly and fully engaged.
The next thing I observed-but cannot subscribe to- is packing at least 3 times the luggage needed. Me and my carry on were grossly underdone. All outfits must have the matching jewelry, shoes, and purse! A fresh bathing suit is necessary for each day and the coverup, jewelry, sandals, towels and beach bag must resemble a Vogue fashion shoot. And, 100 degree weather still calls for a full face of make up. I may have flunked that class.
Anything derogatory is softened by the proverbial, 'bless her little heart.' For example, you may have to comment about someone's mismatched outfit. It would go something like this, "She just must not realize that that outfit just doesn't do a thing for her-Bless her little heart." So much nicer than me saying 'what the eff is she thinking'! The same goes for rude waiters, slow bartenders and crude men. You simply smile and talk about it later at home on the porch. Or not....
And you will rarely hear a Belle curse. Anyone who has known me for a minute, knows that I love to swear and certain words can usefully be uttered as a noun or a verb. It's not attractive, I know-but it's who I am. Extremely unladylike and most certainly unBelle-like.
Porches are a big part of the Belle life. These chickies will literally sit on the porch all day. It is the hub of all activity. Cocktails, snacks and chatting all happen on the porch-even when it's hotter than the eighth circle of hell. Get gorgeous, get a cocktail and get out there-ah do declare!!
So what do I take away with a week of "Belle School"? I have learned to slow down a little, speak a little sweeter, pay attention to detail, and relax on the porch.
And what did the Belle's learn from me? Just to accept my rough, gritty self as an honorary Belle. Thank you Rose, Laurie, Mary, Mischka and the rest of the girls for an amazing week. Class dismissed!
It was amazin' and and ah loved it-bless your little hearts! (I'll try to forgive that sweet tea and cheese grits thing!) Southern Sisters Forever!!! xoxo
Also, congrats and welcome baby Mila to friends Kelly and Brian. Can't wait to get my hands on that little darling! xo
8 months ago
Sounds like torture to me. :)
Jody! Thank you sooo much for coming!! I knew the other girls would love you! You do know that Southern Belles do cuss but in a polite way. I've explained that to you. "Bless your heart" has 2 meanings. We of course use only 1 Russian word when we cuss in which we were really talking like sailors there, Mishka! Mishka! Mishka!! We did indeed sound much more ladylike yelling Mishka, no? Well, due to the untimely EXTREME heat we were unable to show you our Southern dance moves which are unbelievably AWESOME after a couple of "signature drinks"!! That will have to wait for Southern Belle 102. Thanks again for coming!! Love you! Rosemary
Oh Jodi, you know that your description of southern schooling is right up my ally with the meetings of the southern society that I use to host. I do declare that I could almost picture myself there. Sounds like a wonderful time and I am thoroughly and completely jealous!
Charles-It was a blast! I love North Carolina-it's gorgeous! Rosemary, my southern sister. I look forward to more signature drinks and seeing those dance moves. Kisses for Megan! xo Sissy-You would have totally fit in! And they would love your silly ass as much as I do. xo Have a wonderful week, my darlings! xoxo
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