The last sunset in the Keys was gorgeous, but now it's back to reality. We are currently in Williamsburg, Kentucky which is our last stop till Michigan. The trip has been uneventful save for the accident in Gainesville that left us completely stopped for 2 hours-not a cool thing when the drive is already long enough. And then there was the awful gut ache I suffered after smashing back about 3 cups of jellybeans that I foraged for and found in the counsole. The pets have been good, riding peacefully in their little nest in the back of the truck. We rewarded ourselves for the 12 hour day with delicious Mexican food and margaritas. I am miserably full and tired and ready to get back home. This vacation has me worn out and in need of a regular schedule. And all of that goes into effect tomorrow. Really. I promise. I've had all the fun I can stand for awhile. Forgive me while me and my food baby slip into a food coma. Have a wonderful week. xoxo
I"m clawing my way toward a vacation. I need it pretty badly
Hey Jodi, back to the Mitten! I know 'Taylortucky' but not W'msburg, KY. Hilly country, is it?
Cheerio pip pip ~ > !
Charles-it does cure what ails ya! xo Erik-tee hee! It's a quaint little college town that is quite hilly. Cumberland College is the big claim to fame! Have a great week Dolls! xo
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