What a difference a week makes. Last week my brother Steve proudly landed this monster sailfish while fishing here in the Keys. It was the catch of the lifetime and I'm told that he expertly landed the fish.
Fast forward one week to snowy Hubbard Lake. On Sunday morning Steve slipped on a bit of ice and took a hard fall. 4 broken and 6 fractured ribs with a side of punctured lung, has him in the hospital with a tube in his chest to drain inflammation. He is on oxygen to help with the painful breathing aspect. He will be laid up for awhile while all of this mess heals.
Both my Mom and Dad have experienced falls that left them with various broken ribs. When I was pregnant I coughed so hard that I broke 2 ribs and then later tripped and broke another rib. All of us can agree that there is not much more painful.
Have you ever broke a rib? Tell me your story and please keep my brother in your thoughts and/or prayers as he recovers from this painful injury.
Have a wonderful week and step mindfully-we don't need anymore broken rib issues! xo
8 months ago
Ouch, very sorry to hear that. I had three broken ribs in my last motorcycle accident, along with a broken shoulder blade and collarbone
Charles-your LAST motorcycle accident? Be careful, wild one! xo
Wow. Best wishes for speedy recovery!
I have broken my wrist but not a rib (knock on wood).
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