Hello friends! It's been a 'wild' week in my world-titillating you could say.... Let me explain.
A woman in Detroit reported that she had a chicken hanging around in her yard. She would not have minded but the thing showed up and cock a doodled at 5:30 a.m. every morning. No neighbors were raising yard bird and it was determined that the poor thing may have been used in cock fighting and somehow made a run for it. Animal control would take care of the bird-on-the-run. The woman said she now cannot even eat a chicken breast.
Friends in Dexter spotted a coyote hanging around in their yard and found this appearance very unsettling due to the fact that they ARE raising chickens. Those exotic beauty of fowl will have to be watched very carefully until the bounty on the poor 'yote' is honored. Nobody wants to see the critter with chicken feathers hanging off his lips. Personally, I think that coyotes are cute and it's not their fault that they are being squeezed out of their homes. I'll keep you 'abreast' of the situation.
At Luiggi's on Saturday night, galpal Kristin and I viewed a whole another fowl creature. A woman sitting near us at the bar, had her blouse completely open. Completely. And being braless, she was totally exposed. Luckily we had finished dinner and were paying our tab. Her date seemed rather amused at his view, but me and Ms. K. were appalled. In what world is that appropriate? I'd be totally chicken to try it! Those two giant cutlets have me put off from Luiggi's Parmesean Pollo for awhile-and also cantaloupe melons!
And in an unrelated but wild event, Kristin and I witnessed what we think was a bobcat while walking the Metro Beach trail. About 20 feet from us, a very large cat came stalking through the weeds, grabbed a live snake in it's jowls and scampered off. I have never seen or heard of a bobcat here, but I'm telling you, we saw a wild cat of some sort. It actually was pretty amazing.
That's it for me, dears. Life never ceases to amaze me! xoxo
8 months ago
Wow, about as many wildlife encounters as we have here out in the country.
Get the rooster some hens, leave the coyote be and it gladdens my heart to know that there are boobs everywhere not just south of 8 mile.
Charles-It WAS a wild one! Mark-My thoughts exactly! xo
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