Happy Fourth of July, friends! With lots of guest revelers, good food and drink plus picture postcard weather-how could things just not be all teed up for my favorite holiday? I'll tell you how....
I had the flu. Yep, in the summer on the 4th. of July weekend. As our company rolled in on Friday and set up their tents, I had not one problematic symptom. My brother arrived and we started with a cocktail and catch-up. Randy joined after work and got Mickey and Hazel all situated. Shortly after dinner during a roaring bonfire, my throat started to feel scratchy and suddenly everything seemed too loud. I crept off to bed early with a good book. By Saturday morning I was full blown Ms. Flubug Fanny. I barely left the bedroom as the party and boating went on without me. I couldn't help but acknowledge how much more miserable it is to be sick in the summer instead of the winter. Hot tea, my fireplace and a snuggly blanket is how you are supposed to get thru the virus-maybe while watching snowflakes drift down. Not while it's hot and the FOURTH OF JULY weekend. Did I mention how it is my favorite holiday? Anyway, by Sunday morning I was feeling almost human. Not Bloody Mary in the morning human with the gang human, but at least able to sit up and take nourishment. The flu shot I got this fall must have been the thing that lessened the symptoms and time frame. I forged on and still managed to eke out a fun time.
Anyways, after hitting up the Guns and Roses concert last week, (which was totally fabulous!) I indulged in my guilty pleasure of reading 'rocker lit'. Yes, I am well into the biography of Slash. I admit to developing a little crush on him and now I have to find out what he is really like. And the book is not half bad!
God bless America, land of the free (to read rocker lit!) and home of the brave (enough for an old chick to endure the traffic, parking, crowd and long lines at a GnR show.) Now if I just coulda met the Slash-that would have cured me for sure! xo
8 months ago
WTF you get the flu and I have an earache. Signs we are still children is my guess.
I read a little rocker lit myself. I'm just about to start Sammy Hagar's work
Mark, I know! I've still got a sore throat and cough. May hit up the doc tomorrow. I'm sick of this! Charles-I loved "Slash"! Easy and fun read! xo
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