How about this proud Auntie huggin' up to supernephew, Spencer. Thanksgiving day was enjoyed with this loving, handsome and respectful guy. Thank you for being so indulgent and polite to your old Autie. I love you very much. xo And shout out to my sister, Lisa and bro-in-law, Steve for once again outdoing yourself with dinner. It was soooo delish!
So, now it begins. My Season of My Inadequacy....Martha Stewart, I am not. Most definitely not and every year at this time I am reminded of the fact.
It's November 28 and I barely have my Thanksgiving oysters and duck digested... But here it is smacking me in the face like a pumpkin pie with 3 inches of dream whip. Only not nearly so sweet.
Have you guessed where my failure lies? (And don't say that my 'roots' need doing-I wore a hat to cover that issue!) Okay, here it is-I am not yet full on into the holiday spirit. Yep, there I said it. I must be a big old green Grinch.
I never have the patience for Black Friday-skipped altogether. I have not yet decked the halls (who even does their halls, anyways?) or even dragged up my Christmas tree from the basement where I left it assembled from last year. I still have up my Halloween wreath and there are 4 pots of dead mums on the front porch. One of my lilies even bloomed last week! My outside lights are still in the snarl that I left 'em, minus the snow; however, my neighbor has his annual Clark Griswold display already lit. One neighbor even hires a boom thing to reach his 40 foot tree. By the time the rest of my street is done, Detroit Edison can fault us for the occasional wattage overload. In Rocky, I am still riding to the classic rock station, not at all ready for WNIC with the 24 hour Christmas carols. (shudder!) I'm hoping my Mom bakes her yummy cookies cuz mine are usually a fail. By the time I leave out flour, butter and sugar...well, you can only imagine. I am capable of doing Chex Mix...My shopping is not done, and I haven't even made a list. (This might be due to the fact that I only donate instead of gift.)
But somehow I'll getter all done...If not, I'll slap some antlers on Mickey and have a glass of wine by my fireplace-with or without the stockings!
8 months ago