Happy Monday, everybody. After a mentally and physically exhausting weekend, I needed a 'happy' day. All day Saturday and Sunday found me behind my table at the Women2Women Expo in Birch Run. I represented F.A.N. as well as my own book. My tag said, "Jodi Dale-author" and I proudly wore it. I handed out drug understanding and prevention material, answered questions and sold books. The hardest thing was hearing the very moving stories of families suffering with their loved ones. There were tears and lots of hugs as total strangers related with me. It was very rewarding, but I was soooo glad to get home on Sunday night!
I was shocked at the temperature this morning when Mickey and I went out to get the paper. Brrrrrrr, what a turnaround since Friday! Here comes winter-ready or not. Later, I had my very first go at
'cross training.' What in God's name was I thinking? It was very challenging, but somehow this old chick made it through. As I sit here tonight, my muscles are already beginning to lock up. Plan to do it occasionally, but it's a bit much for me to do regularly!
I then skipped off to get my whites pearly. My darling hygienist told me that I was doing a good job and my teeth looked good. Cool-see you in six months. Spent some time on the phone catching up with my old pal Tim-it was so good to hear his warm, bass voice. xo
Got some groceries, showered and took a long nap. Ahhhhh, now that's a full day of self love and I feel back on track. Buuttt....on Wednesday, we are back on the road, heading up north for our annual Thanksgiving-On-the farm. Crazy but fun.
I hope you all have a happy and warm Thanksgiving with people you love. I am so thankful for family, food, and friends. And I thank you all for your kind support of my endeavors. It means the world to me. xo
8 months ago
Hey hey Jodi,
Excellent work! Happy Thanksgiving ~ three cheers ~ !
been a little cooler down here, but very welcome after summer heat
Erik-I make myself nuts sometimes! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. xo Charles-You and Ms. Lana enjoy the cool off! xo
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