July is National Ice Cream month, because we needed a 'National' holiday to celebrate the lusciousness that is ice cream. As if...
As a kid, I remember vanilla ice cream with traditional Hershey's chocolate sauce. We would smash our sundaes till the ice cream was straight up chocolate. The perfect combination of sugar and fat, ice cream is a party in the mouth! The local Dairy Dome (yes, Dome-not Queen) was a short bike ride away and I believe a small cone was 15 cents, 20 if you wanted it dipped in that mystery hard chocolate shell. Save the peanuts-I still hate nuts in my ice cream. Sweet were those summer days with ice cream dripping down your wrist as you hurried to eat before it melted. Terrible brain freezes were endured as we gobbled down our icy treats.
Later, as my tastes refined, I craved Heavenly Hash ice cream. It was the only thing that would calm the incessant heartburn I suffered during pregnancy-nothing else would do. Or at least what I would have you believe! Nobody would dare question the motives behind a woman 9 1/2 months pregnant during the hottest summer ever and get out without mortal injury. Toss her a bowl of the Hash and back off quickly!
Somewhere along the line my stomach became wonky and I now cannot tolerate regular ice cream. I now enjoy the occasional gelato with no ill effects. I indulge rarely, and for that reason, every bite is a heavenly treat. I normally favor anything coffee flavored, but today decided to go with the Berry Cheesecake. Cuz berries are fruit and fruit is healthy, right? That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Do you have a favorite flavor? The weather is perfect so indulge and let me know how you 'ice cream!' XO
8 months ago
Always chocolate for me.
Pistachio! Yummm...luckily it's Very hard to find 😄
Charles-I'm partial to chocolate too! Lori- NOOOOO! No nuts in the ice cream; altho the green color is pretty! Sweet treats, my sweeties! xo
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