After a sumptuous dinner at the Tiger Den, on my way to my seat I spotted Craig Monroe. C. Mo.!- I shrieked like a teen at a Justin Bieber concert. Stopping in my tracks, I was happy that my sunnies covered my star shaped eyes. C. Mo, I gushed, I watch all the game broadcasts just to see what you are wearing! Any chance you would let me have a photo op? Sure, he says and putting down his Caesar slice, leaned over and sweetly posed with me. Let me see what you have on, I said. He obliged me with a twirl and we laughed that even with his gorgeous suit, he had on Converse kicks that matched the ones I had on. We bonded instantly..
I am a sucker for a sharp dressed man. I love creative, thought out looks on a man that is not afraid to show that side of himself. Craig's perfectly tailored suit with a crisp white shirt, skinny pants, and a contrasting silk pocket square topped of with his high tops were perfection. We don't have to even discuss his also perfect physique and whatever cologne he was wearing. (Okay-tiny crush here...)
I told him that he was next weeks blogstar. He flashed me his smile (more perfection), and got back to his slice. I made my way down to my seat, still a little starstruck. We miserably lost the game but I still had a cool 'Detroit Tiger' experience.
I mused later on how much I love the fact that my husband is also a clotheshorse and an incredibly stylish dresser. Whether you dress up or dress down-no matter-just own it and be comfortable in your skin and style. It's a confidence thing.
Thank you Craig Monroe for indulging an old, suburban chick. You're MY Tiger! xo
8 months ago
lol. My idea of dressing up is wearing jeans with no holes in them and a t-shirt with a pocket for a pen.
Charles-that look works too! Whatever makes you comfortable is usually your 'look!' Have a great week!
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