When my niece strolled in last Friday, her first question was, 'Who bought you the flowers?' I answered her that I sometimes buy myself flowers. It's a little treat that brightens up my mood as well as my counter. Hazel The One Eyed Wonder Cat likes to nibble on the leaves and smell the roses too.
With Thanksgiving behind us and the approaching season, I think it's important to take care of yourself. As women it seems that the bulk of the holiday pressure lands on our backs. We decorate, shop, cook and maybe host parties-and it's not easy. Magazines, television and Pinterest having us believe that everything must look and taste perfect or somehow we have failed.
Having stopped exchanging gifts years ago has largely helped. I love to shop and feel the excitement without the pressure to find the perfect gift. I have stopped the Bronner's light show in my yard and now hang a simple wreath and toss out a Solar Shower gadget. But I love to drive down Jefferson and enjoy everyone else's display. I now decorate only one tree and the simplicity of it makes me happy. My family generously offers to help with any dinner I host because they know fully well how nervous cooking for others makes me. I still love to write out Christmas cards and plan to start my (shortened!) list soon. I get great joy in receiving cards too. Christmas mass with my Mom is also special to me and I get teary with the palpable faith in the air.
And still....I sort of dread it. Not sure exactly why. Maybe with Dane and my Dad not here, I have to face the fact that it will never be the same.
Enjoy things in your own way and most important of all-take care of yourself. And I'll stop to smell the flowers.
I'm thinking purple poinsettias. xo
8 months ago
I am pretty much completely unable to think of Christmas until final exams are over. I don't buy many presents anymore either. We'll see how it works out this year
Charles-You and Miss Lana have a relaxing and blessed holiday-you deserve it! xo
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