Greetings from the sunny Keys where I am definitely NOT frozen stiff! After our usual journey I am now on Keys time where everything moves soooo much slower-even me-hence a later than usual blog post!
Driving down, I was amazed to see the re-opening of various restaurants and resorts that have gotten back on their feet since hurricane Irma. I mourn the 'death' of some of our favorite places that are just holes in the landscape. Detritus and such that were in giant roadside piles on our last visit have been (mostly) cleaned up and hauled off. Foliage shows new green (mostly!) and is starting to fill back in, but I miss the colorful Bougainvillea that used to add such brilliant color. As I went for a morning walk, I noticed that you could scavenge just about anything if you wanted to pick through the mangroves. I noticed a tee shirt hanging in a branch and someone's beat up jeans. I appears some poor soul actually gave true meaning to the unfortunate 'blew out a flip flop' as I saw a random one. Dog dishes, lawn chairs, coolers, etc. were all visible as that stretch had not yet been handled by the vigilant, but overworked road crews.
And my heart goes out to dear friend Rose, who just recently lost her nephew a boy who's life ended tragically and premature. His family is heartbroken-a pain I understand. But as I see the Keys gradually coming back to life, I realize that nature perseveres and survives the unthinkable, somehow.
Time will never truly heal and nothing will ever be exactly the same but we must live and trust that the sun will come out and our souls will rebuild-slowly but surely. Peace to that family who will live in their own hell for some time.
Have a wonderful week, stay warm, and count your blessings. xo
8 months ago
I'm glad that many of those places survived at least
Charles-aren't you on break soon? Enjoy!!
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