It's been a busy week here in the sunny Keys. The Sloth, Indulgence and Debauchery tour rolls on as my first wave of guests left the same morning that my second wave rolled in. With fresh sheets on the beds, more friends joined us for boating, fishing and happy hour(s). I have a few days to regroup before my third wave sweeps in. Whew! I should be exhausted but actually I am grateful that we are blessed with such wonderful family and friends in our lives. I enjoyed each and every one of our guests and the diversity they bring to the table. Never a dull moment as we discussed movies, books, kids, social media and even aging. I truly love it and I think these connections and support are what brings a rich shade to our life.
Happy Birthday to my brother Steve and friend Luis. Another trip around the sun!
Prayers and hugs to my friend Mario, who is enduring the hardest thing a parent can do. xo
8 months ago
You said it, Jodi -- connections and support and diversity rock.
What great fun it looks, too, from the picture~ !
Erik-I agree! Livin' it up here in the Keys! xo
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