After a long day on the high seas spotting sea flap flaps (stingrays), floating potato's (manatees), beach chickens (seagulls), murder logs (crocs), and slippery tube dudes (sea snakes), two salty chicks sporting their best messy-hair-don't care (not even a little!), made their way in for a shower and happy hour! The day was perfect. Until.
Rarely do we even turn on our tube while on vaycay, but a quick scan revealed that we had launched missiles in Syria. You all know that this old mermaid is the most apolitical person ever but the images shown were shocking. How anyone can comprehend the gassing of innocents? I hate war and still maintain that a sit down conversation with options and consequences would be better served than hideous violence. But that's just me and I know I do not fully understand or even know all the facts. I pray for all of those suffering under such tyranny.
One thing I do know for sure, and feel very strongly about sharing is this. My therapist has taught me the danger of viewing theses scenes over and over-as the news channels insist on doing. She says that our brains are not set up to process these horrific images and can do lasting mental damage. After 9-11, post traumatic stress disorders and depression rose, in part due to the inundating images. It's a new syndrome-thanks to news channels and social media.
So while I want to learn and be informed, I will not expose myself to the endless rerun of images that is shown with the information. Please consider this danger.
We all need all of our strength to survive these times. Have a great week filled with discovery, wonder and compassion. Peace, Dolls. XO
8 months ago
Peace out, Jodi ~ !
Erik-Peace indeed. I just want to feel it in my lifetime! xo
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